
Stealing Creation Tunnels

Quick find code: 185-186-915-62880562

fmod Member


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SC is Already Unbalanced in Favor of the Weak Players…
I believe SC should remain as it is: a challenge to players to increase their skills in order to successfully earn at least 20,000 game points per match while avoiding being outscored & oppressed by the opposing team.
It will be very sad for Stealing Creation (and the Spirit of the Game) if Jagex decides to coddle weak players instead of allowing them to figure out how exit their base (in staggered fashion is the recommendation) and flee the enemy. Better still, they should fight back by pickpocketing the enemy mages thereby "stealing" their "creations" — clay runes — and depositing it for points.
But tunnels to Fogbanks and Decay-fields (you wanted a term for it *wink*) would be absurd additions to the mini-game.
Remember, the beauty of this game is that 1) it’s safe and, 2) it's NOT winners take all.
Win or lose (2 points extra to win), you keep the points you earned while playing. Equally important is the fact that SC is Already Unbalanced in Favor of the Weak Players. It gives nearly all the points in the beginning of the match while players are just starting out processing clay. The ratio for the first 20,000 game points is 1 to 1,000 (1 Reward Point for each 1,000 Game Points for the first 20,000 GP) After that, the amount of Game points needed to get 1 Reward Point starts DOUBLING! That's about as front end heavy as you can get!
What this means is, we can earn at least 20,000 game points (which equals 20 reward points; 26 max BTW) — within the first 8 minutes regardless of levels. All anyone has to do is scramble to collect, process, and deposit by clay being, as much clay as they can at the beginning of the match. It's that simple to earn 20 RPs.
No need to dumb down the game because sometimes we get cornered in a base.
And as mentioned elsewhere, there are communities playing non-combat SC for those who hate being 'trapped'.
It's sad that our interests conflict here,
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09-Feb-2012 06:32:08 - Last edited on 09-Feb-2012 10:19:41 by CountPetofi

Jan Member 2008


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Hello Count Petofi,
Maybe I really need to sit down and rewrite this thread as I'm not trying to defend the weak players here, I'm trying to balance the game between the skill based player and the combat based player.
I don't believe you can accurately state that the combat based player (possibly without the ability to gather anything but fragments) has a great advantage in the game over the skilling pure with the ability to gather from every clay source and produce anything in the game.
Now I'm not talking about just the points reward. If I just want points I play non-combat. I'm talking about playing the full game as it was intended to be played and I happen to love the open combat.
The problem I see with the game is that it has almost been "solved".
For most high combat players (regardless of skilling levels) the game proceeds as follows:
Start the game
Spend about 8 minutes gathering resources
Deposit your gatherings to insure your points
Get your c5 dagger, put on your "keep one item", and head to the enemy base
Trap all players from leaving their base gradually eliminating all the enemy's resources
Run down every player and attempt to get "Most Kills"
This really has little to do with being a "weak" player or not. High combat players without a weapon or food are at a great disadvantage to the same combat player wielding just a dagger.
The game was defined as a "skill based minigame" from day one yet it is definitely a combat based game rewarding the combat player greatly over the skill based player.
And please don't tell me that high combat players are usually high skill players, I've spent a great deal of time looking up the most offensive high combat players that hang out in SC and most are not equally "skilled".

09-Feb-2012 14:50:26 - Last edited on 09-Feb-2012 14:55:20 by Scavlord

Jan Member 2008


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The exit tunnel suggestion and the base damage ideas would simply cause the higher level players to engage one another in the playing field rather than always hanging around at each others enemy base attacking unarmed players for the easy kill.
I'm just not into playing a game for the easy kill and this would bring a greater challenge to the game.

09-Feb-2012 14:53:08



Posts: 970 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tbh combat is the only thing that can make stealing creation fun, I have most sc stats to be able to skill and i still find that its unbearable without combat.
Think of it this way, its incentive to work as a team, supply your high levels with high level gear and then they can defend you from other high levels.

04-Mar-2012 03:11:11

Jan Member 2008


Posts: 1,024 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^ I couldn't agree more. Playing non-combat SC is like just another grinding skill.
I've spent the time getting through these skills to be able to have a great SC game and want to play it with full combat as it was originally intended.

04-Mar-2012 15:26:22

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