This isn't probably the sort of comment you are hoping for but it's what comes to my mind.
One big bloated thread with all of your ideas is a bad idea.
By clumping all of your ideas, however related they may be in your mind, it makes it much harder for someone to digest what they are reading and to comment on it. It also tends to make the thread expand more because there is a lot more for people to say. This makes the entirety of the thread take longer to read and be less focused; distracting.
I believe it is more useful to individual player readers and to moderators to read threads discussing a single atomic subject. If the subject of the thread could be subdivided and each piece would still have enough material to discuss, then it should be. At the smallest possible subject at which there is still enough material to discuss about gives players the least to digest when reading and makes it much simpler to agree or disagree.
This also makes it possible to have a thread title that is descriptive. Your thread title here tells me nothing about what I'm about to read, which I dislike very much. If I'm clicking a thread it's usually because I want to know more about what the title is alluding to.
Anyway, you have well-written ideas and would get a lot further with people like myself if you subdivided your ideas into seperate threads.
16-Aug-2018 09:55:25