
2h Shields!

Quick find code: 185-186-263-65878592

Stoic n Vain

Stoic n Vain

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Hey, Vengeance of!
Thank you for the shield ability ideas, I do like them. :)

Immovable is similar to abilities that already exist in-game: "Aggression" and provoke when used with the "taunting" invention perk. I do think that 10 seconds is a bit short though and the damage reduced is far inferior to barricade, which only requires a 1h shield - rather than a 2h shield. Currently, someone could use an existing ability (taunting provoke or aggression), then do a barricade (+ turtling and malletops perk) and have a far better outcome compared to what Immovable provides, so I don't think that this ability would end up being useful.

I actually made some of my own abilities too!
They're on my other thread though. I'll link them here in case you're interested.
The New Wild (instanced) <---------> Enhancing Combat and PVP

20-Mar-2021 07:00:07 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2021 07:02:32 by Stoic n Vain

Stoic n Vain

Stoic n Vain

Posts: 1,552 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Stoic n Vain said :
New Abilities To Be Earned

Vengeful Freedom
(basic ability) replaces Freedom. Bounce back immediate damage that would have otherwise caused you to be bound or stunned within 2 seconds, whilst also being cleared of stuns, bleeds and binds and gain 6 seconds of stun immunity.

(30% adrenaline cost, requires a shield, can be activated under 50% adrenaline): Your opponent’s next successful damaging ability within 10 seconds is completely reflected back onto them. This includes full bleeds and combo attacks. 20 second cool down. Does not share a cool-down with reflect.

Berserking Shield Throw
(basic, threshold and ultimate) 30 sec cool-down

Throw your shield at your opponent, stunning them for 1 second, binding them for 10 and causing up to 100% shield armour value damage per 10% adrenaline that you had, or up to 12x shield armour value damage with 100% adrenaline (not affected by damage modifiers). For a minimum of 20 seconds, you will be vulnerable. All current shield buffs will be removed and you will be unable to use any shield abilities. Your opponent will take 10% additional damage from all sources and an additional 50% damage from your own attacks, provided you don’t change weapons.

After 20 seconds have passed, the damage boost will wear off. You will then be able to regain access to your shield abilities by standing next to your opponent (to theoretically take the shield back).

If the main hand weapon’s tier is inferior to that of the shield’s tier, a severe damage reduction will apply. I know that this does not make theoretical sense, but for balancing issues, this is necessary. Can’t have a combat level 25 - 90 defence pure smacking a 5,892 with a malevolent shield, right? O.O
The New Wild (instanced) <---------> Enhancing Combat and PVP

20-Mar-2021 07:02:47 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2021 07:06:47 by Stoic n Vain

Stoic n Vain

Stoic n Vain

Posts: 1,552 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Stoic n Vain said :

Like a Boss
(ultimate) level 50 constitution. 1 min duration, 5 minute cool-down.
* Health boosts only work in PVP. Damage boost can work in PVE.

Your damage is increased by 20% for 1 minute. Your total lifepoints and all healing will be multiplied by the number of players attacking you at the time of activation, and will not change until Boss-like expires.


Let’s say you are being piled by 5 players. You activate “Boss-like”.
Your 9,900 lifepoints (x5) becomes 49,500
Sharks would heal 10,000 instead of 2,000
Resonance will heal you for 5x what the opponent would have hit.
Ultimate healing abilities heal by percentages as normal (eg 40% max LP).
Your damage would be 20% higher. Good luck to those 5 guys…
Stoic n Vain said :
Another new ability: Shield Slide (threshold)

Slide on your shield for 10 spaces in the opposite direction that you are facing. All targets caught in your "line of slide" will be damaged for your total armour rating (eg 85 def and full superior tetsu + a t80 shield would hit about 2.9k). You will be immune to all damage for the duration of the slide, which will be 4 game ticks (2.4 seconds).

This would sort of be like the Kalphite King's "charge" attack, + the escape ability.
You would turn around, kick off from the ground and ride your shield like a sled.
This ability can be used offensively and defensively.
The New Wild (instanced) <---------> Enhancing Combat and PVP

20-Mar-2021 07:04:30 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2021 07:08:43 by Stoic n Vain

Jun Member 2022


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They would have to change the game for this, and it would have to be commonly used to make it worth doing. Whoever was given this role would have to feel like they drew the short straw I would think. There can be a compelling reason to do it, if it excited how much more damage you deflected than other people have taken I suppose. There could be things like that that make it fun. Interesting idea, but they would have to find a way to get you to even to try it, because you wouldn't naturally think it was something you'd be interested in.
They could perhaps even make it a requirement and make bosses that are impossible to win if you don't have one of these in your group. There would have to be ways to provoke the boss into specifically attacking you, in some games there are abilities that do just that, it should be considered.

05-Apr-2021 05:19:28 - Last edited on 05-Apr-2021 05:20:42 by Gerchin

Jun Member 2012


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In my brief playtime of Assassins Creed Valhalla (uni + RS3 = no extra time) I loved rocking the dual wielded shields.

The combo of defense boost, stabbing with the sharp edge (think Captain America's gauntlets in Infinity War) and spinning slash attacks, it seems really strong for a playstyle.

Here's the rub. Dual Wielding Shields would run off 2h and defensive abilities, because dual-wielded shields would be a paired item (like old school claws). The damage would have to be lower than the same tier's damage output, but their defensive qualities would increase.

Imagine for a moment having Tetsu Tower Shields for defense, (same update could also include ports 2h, and shields for all styles) T85 defensive gear, which can be made as a paired set for offensive capacity, using double the plate. The shields would give less offensive stats than katanas or 2h equivalent, but defensive power would be huge. This would mean less dps but more longevity and allow tanks even more power in their role.

Their greatest strength would be going from a Hurricane to a Resonance, then a Reflect and followed up with a Bash and/or Barge.

Combine this with Weapon and Armor Perks on the twin shields and you have a recipe for a powerful tank setup.
I prefer my murder-hood; people die 'cos I look so good!
Eastern Lands - Hybrid Weaponry

07-Apr-2021 12:11:05

Stoic n Vain

Stoic n Vain

Posts: 1,552 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for your post, iuorj. Yes, there needs to be a compelling reason, not just to use 2h shields, but for all weapon/armour types. Yep, it does open up the possibility to make harder hitting bosses which will then require a 2h shield user! :P
The provoke ability works just fine.

Hey Morbuss.
Cool to hear about duel wield shields on the assassins creed game! :P
Yup, that's the plan - to allow shield and 2h abilities, and for the 2h shield style to be less offensive and more defensive. Basically, the key difference you're suggesting is that there would be two smaller shields, rather than one big one. I don't mind which, they're both cool :P
It sure would be an awesome tank setup! :D

Juggernaut sounds appropriate too :)
Thank you for your post, support, and your bump as well! ^_^
The New Wild (instanced) <---------> Enhancing Combat and PVP

18-Apr-2021 05:34:45

Super Ryan70
Dec Member 2015

Super Ryan70

Posts: 2,371 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is a really cool idea! You have my support. Brassica Prime:
Truly to be the most delicious is to wield this power. The power to create and destroy. And as the most delicious of gods, I am the font of this delicious power. From me spills all the deliciousness in creation.

18-Apr-2021 13:03:38

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