(Level 80, Ultimate, Require t80+ dual shield, Cooldown: 24 hours)- Destroy both the shields and your target. All are equal before death. (Death touched Dart mechanic)
(Level 80, Ultimate, Require t80+ dual shield, Cooldown: 24 hours)- Destroy both the shields and your target. All are equal before death. (Death touched Dart mechanic)
So I should be able to use a mainhand and offhand bronze or wooden shield to kill virtually any opponent in game?
1) no.
2) they'd intentionally make it so it would not work on bosses or most high level opponents, so unlike your DTDs, this would be useless since the majority of players would not want to waste shields to one hit KO a common slayer creature (and even then, you'd have to build up addrenaline to reach 100% and you'd be limited to 15 kills for the 2 shields you equip and the 28 inv slots ... maybe a few more with BoBs)
3) it would entirely RNG based (even Tuska's Wrath isn't 100% on Slayer Task)
4) You'd lose your shields meaning you'd be unable to do anything after that
5) No one would want to burn their high cost T80 (ie: Chaotic Shields from Dungeoneering) or T90 (RotS) for a chance to kill one opponent when the RNG drop is too risky
(you can't use invention as a counterpoint since then I'm at least getting Invention XP AND materials when I disassemble it)
It's interesting, but I don't think it would quite fit within the game. It also wouldn't be fair to replace dtds with something cheaper/easier to get (elder rune +0 for example), or else it makes dtds dead content.
The New Wild (instanced)
Enhancing Combat and PVP
I have had this idea before. I agree that a Bulwark kind of class should be a thing. I think OSRS has a 2h shield IIRC? Dinh's Bulwark?
Suggested EOC, GFX update to trees, Idle Animations, and Rest feature
I like this one here a lot. I want it. Magic gets stronger especially if it allows magic abilities. It would allow for an awesome type of combat. This would make the game
more diverse
and more how do I say
more immersive
. You could literally be a mage that doesn't do as much damage (like most games with supporting mages) but
more supportive
then before. I would probably use this on all my styles.
(as long as you guys make it work
vs. High Tier Bosses
I did not look at how old this is but
it needs to be shared around a lot to get the attention