continued from above...
If they were to rerelease certain tokens, I don't think they are choosing not to because it would "ruin banks"... keep in mind that they did damage with the Conga Walk rereleases, so they aren't afraid of that. Rather, it is because having tokens such as Zombie Walk, Gem cape/sack, and even untradable ones such as shadow virtus not return to the game creates a series of items which were available on treasure hunter which were only obtained in game by those who got a hold of them during their only one or two promos of availability. This creates possible demand for new promos, any new promo could have tokens that won't be rereleased more than one time, or with very low frequency if ever, with the customer's thinking that they could get rich because these tokens may be merched way up at some point in time.
What confuses me though, is the constant rerelease of a certain few promos and no removal of cosmetics from those. Maybe they are just more consistent, or maybe it is a step in an ethical direction that they aren't using the tricks mentioned above to make more money. I don't know.
I suspect that certain tokens will come back in some fashion or another, but that other ones will remain discontinued, and that there will be little rhyme or reason to which tokens are which. The key thing is though, none of these items are officially discontinued and I doubt Jagex will speak out about this part to any extent. Technically Christmas Scythe and Holly Wreath aren't either (wreath, only 1000 can exist in game at a time, that's how they described it on release... if someone were to alch one or feed to baby troll.. technically Jagex 'could' rerelease until the cap of 1,000 were in game again), but as we have seen from the rubber turkeys and conga walks, anything, token or otherwise, that doesn't have a promise of "permanently discontinued" is fair game for possible rerelease, however unlikely.
08-May-2021 11:10:05
- Last edited on
08-May-2021 11:19:56
Fearless AFK