so, in my opinion theres many variables to this issue. The most impactful variable is that the decay of player base of runescape itself is directly related to the value of rares. As fewer and fewer people make for more dead content, more people turn to rares as a final fair well to the game in hopes to some day come back to the game if it can turn itself around. the hire rares go, the deader the content in the game. Runescape needs to make better content and stop thinking it can decrease the value of rares by adding more holiday items to the game. Gift Wrapped Scythes, Green Santa Hats, and Golden Phats, are the the equivalent to a Will Smith back hand to the loyal long term player base. you took items we work hard to earn and diluted them.
Second factor to this is that they didn't even curb the real world trade issue, its still strong as ever. as you can see phats are still selling for hundreds of billions, and the amount of time to make ever a billion GP in the game is astounding.
In conclusion, make better content, find a better way to deal with RWT, phats can crash in value, you just need to let the owners know theres something better out there for them.
07-Apr-2022 17:47:58