
Jagex's transparancy on items

Quick find code: 17-18-28-66268885

Wolf Pack
Aug Member 2015

Wolf Pack

Posts: 37 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I strongly support this. Even if a player isn't hoarding or merchanting items, they can be negatively effected. For example, someone spends almost their entire bank on an item they believe to be discontinued that they intend to wear, only for it to be released again and destroy their bank. That could be very upsetting.

12-Dec-2022 17:14:15



Posts: 302 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Shareholder said :

My guess is that they do it to stimulate speculation, artificially raising the price, and then re-release it to boost key sales. People will buy more keys when the prizes are worth more.

This is it, in the end it's all about maximizing profits for them, everything will be rereleased one way or another. if they say it's discontinued, they will release it in a different color see GSH, Scythe, B hween etc. So, if a token is in demand and they can make money off it, will be 100% back the more inflated the price the better. if discontinued it will still be back in a different color, this is unchecked capitalism in-game lmao.

My advice to everyone would be don't be overly invested in RuneScape especially with your time. basically whatever you are working on whether it's skills, Items, GP it can be devalued in an instant If jagex wants to boost sales by selling it through MTX. I know some clever merchers think they can avoid it by moving their gp around I wish them luck lol.
Grand Exchange: Finished buying 1 x Christmas cracker

12-Dec-2022 18:41:19 - Last edited on 12-Dec-2022 18:52:42 by RSGOTMEFATT

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 23,574 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I strongly agree with you on all points, Shareholder. I think the players deserve transparency immediately when an item is released. Jagex delivered clear communication with Golden Partyhats, but honestly...they tend to be very unclear and ambiguous about the plans of other items.

I'm going to be direct in saying that some reintroductions feel "targeted" against merchants/players who collect or hoard large quantities of items. The Gift Wrap Scythe, and Frosted Wreath were both called "New tradable rares" in the newspost last year. Of course the dictionary definition of rare and discontinued are different, but it should be obvious that on Runescape the two terms have been used synonymously for years. J-Mods often refer to discontinued items as rares.

If these items returned because a couple or few developers made a decision, that isn't fair to the Runescape community either. If this is a free and open economy, one or two individuals (including J-Mods content developers) should not be making these decisions which have a big impact on player investments. Both Gift Wrap Scythe and Frosted Wreath did not need to return, especially considering their Grand Exchange prices were 13m and 4m respectively.

There are Treasure Hunter tokens that have values less than 10k gp. It no longer becomes a concern of "access", these items have become junk and there are some tokens that probably are hundreds of thousands of quantity or perhaps even in the millions. Oversaturating the market with countless tokens, reintroducing the same items with a blanket statement of wanting items to be "accessible" isn't a good long-term practice or solution. Some of these recent reintroductions has angered long-term players (who do merchant and invest), which can impact Jagex's revenue longer term should folks decide to start leaving the game due to these changes.

TLDR; Jagex needs to be more transparent about the future plans of items UPON release. Jagex should also poll the RS3 community more.
Forum Moderator

12-Dec-2022 19:52:28

200m Defence

200m Defence

Posts: 245 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the same old topic being recreated on a new thread for the 100th time. nice

won't happen.
Don't trust any pc's listed, any advice or talks between posts on ID forums anymore , the Manips are let loose, especially the main one with 15+ accounts posting acting as different people.. do your own research

12-Dec-2022 20:10:10

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 23,574 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Another point, I think needs to be mentioned...

Jagex uses a variety of different communication platforms, and sometimes the "clarity" and "love" goes in one direction. Official communication should always be on the website, and forums. I feel like Jagex is overly listening to the Reddit subcommunities these days, and communicating with these players (often implementing their feedback). No one platform should have a "louder voice" than another. There also seems to be a pervasive bias against merchanting/investing, and even PVP activities. Why? People invest in the real world. :|

I think Jagex has done a good job in clarifying their intention of rereleasing the inverted skillcapes in some way or form in the future. This should be the standard, and should happen with any item...including ones that are microtransaction related so that they also protect themselves from allegations of "baiting and switching". Taking a spin, or play on words with terms like "tradable rares"...knowing very well, historically for years these have been synonymous with the discontinued items is opening up an alley for accusations and disgruntled players who may feel they have been "baited and switched" (and rightfully so, due to the ambiguity).
Forum Moderator

12-Dec-2022 20:17:49



Posts: 44 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I completely agree with what is said above. It's not fair to the gaming community that players invest either real money on keys or in-game wealth on items that then get re-released. Jagex doesn't roll back skillers xp gains either so why should players collecting items always take the hit? Investing has it's risks, we all know that. However the way Jagex acts by calling an item rare when it clearly isn't a rare item longer is straight up false advertisement.
Transparancy is key to keep the community happy.

12-Dec-2022 20:32:44

Apr Member 2022


Posts: 970 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Theos said :
Another point, I think needs to be mentioned...

Jagex uses a variety of different communication platforms, and sometimes the "clarity" and "love" goes in one direction. Official communication should always be on the website, and forums. I feel like Jagex is overly listening to the Reddit subcommunities these days, and communicating with these players (often implementing their feedback). No one platform should have a "louder voice" than another. There also seems to be a pervasive bias against merchanting/investing, and even PVP activities. Why? People invest in the real world. :|

I think Jagex has done a good job in clarifying their intention of rereleasing the inverted skillcapes in some way or form in the future. This should be the standard, and should happen with any item...including ones that are microtransaction related so that they also protect themselves from allegations of "baiting and switching". Taking a spin, or play on words with terms like "tradable rares"...knowing very well, historically for years these have been synonymous with the discontinued items is opening up an alley for accusations and disgruntled players who may feel they have been "baited and switched" (and rightfully so, due to the ambiguity).

Very fair points Theos. With regard to the first point, it is very frustrating to see nothing mentioned on the official RS website when the servers are down. I then have to check twitter, often per mod, and then discord and reddit to see if they said anything about the outage. This goes for way more things than just the server status. If you look at GSH's first release on 13/12/2021, it was in a news post. On Reddit Mod Hooli said it would re-rerelease (first vaguely, then with certainty). Then on 23/12/2021 the Santa's grotto promotion started where GSH got re-released. The announcement of this promotion was only done via Twitter and NOT via the official site. Crazy stuff.
If you need bulk items quickly, PM me ingame.

12-Dec-2022 20:34:37

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We need CLARITY! The Discontinued items Wiki page( SHOULD be kept accurate by Jagex, as it is an important place for new players learning about tradeable Discontinued items, something Unique to Runescape. Endgame goals for a lot of players are to earn discontinued items, so it is important for Jagex to ensure that players time and effort put into obtaining these items is not wasted.

A few things I would like to note are with the removal of Yak Track items from the Oddment store, the
Oddment store is looking rather bare
, especially for someone like myself that plays
ironman mode
. In my opinion, items set to be rereleased should be released for some time on Treasure Hunter, and then after a set period of time they would get added to the oddment store. If they are a non rereleased item, or tradeable cosmetic(so not a token unlock) only available on Treasure Hunter, then we should have the ability to trade them to our Ironmen(Making it so we can buy 1b+ Treasure hunter items, but only through the G.E. on an ironman is not even remotely relevant).

If an item will be discontinued, I'd like to think its better that it is communicated up front. I also don't agree with the opinion some players have that tradeable discontinued items shouldn't exist. In my opinion, Jagex should make constant/consistent discontinued items as it helps battle inflation on existing discontinued items(more items for existing holders to purchase to complete their collections).
Owner of
[Diamond Hand/Diamond Hands]
We eat

12-Dec-2022 20:38:03

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