
Next skill?

Quick find code: 16-17-831-66157289

May Member 2023


Posts: 375 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Earl Regnak said :
New skill will be an elite skill

You will need 85+ in :-

.the next elite skill is going to be..

To be loved you much love yourself first
^_^ ^_^ ^_^

05-Sep-2021 17:34:56

Nov Member 2021


Posts: 251 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think it is about time they make a set of smaller skills (subskills) based on the faction you are supporting at the moment. Support skills are the ones lacking the most right now, followed by combat. Gathering and Artisan are more complicated to create and fit in into the game.

With this in mind, a combination of smaller subskills that would use combat and support as a focus, would be a nice way to go forward. These subskills would be smaller stuff compared to actual skills, perhaps they could even allow players to "reset" the xp counter once it reached 200m, creating a prestige sort of orientation, these skills, for the most part would be passive in nature while create potential additional roles for combat.

Some examples:

Zamorak -> necromancy (support, uses your life force overtime to create stronger summons), based on summoning, constitution, magic, defense. Lvl'd through blood magics in small portions and better rates for dark summons for the most part as they would require investment.

Saradomin -> healer (support, healer focus with potential to aggro and tank), based on summoning, constitution, prayer, defense. Lvl'd up through player healing, applying buffs and debuffs in battle and overall receiving damage while taking aggro. At very low rates, otherwise exploitable.

Armadyl -> scouting (support, critical hit focus) based on agility and ranged. A more simplified subskill that helps you increase critical rates. Lvl's up overtime as you do critical hits on enemies. Slightly faster than healer in terms of xp.

Bandos -> rage (support, unstoppable meele focus) based on strength and attack. Lvl'd through finishing fights with lower hp and generally using abilities. The lower your health ath the end of the battle, the higher the xp reward. Basically a risk scenario.

Sliske -> trickery (support, avoid aggro), uses agility, thieving, crafting, magic. Ability to dodge incoming damage for a brief moment using tricks or simply dodge.

23-Nov-2021 21:48:18

Nov Member 2021


Posts: 251 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some more examples:

Zaros -> calamity (support, cause chaos in the battlefield), uses magic, prayer, constitution, divination, invention. The idea here is to have mind effects on lesser enemies in the battlefield, being able to control surrounding enemies temporarly to inflict damage on a target, this leads to xp gains with this subskill.

Seren -> clarity (support, increase accuracy in battle), uses magic, prayer, ranged, agility and divination. Idea is to increase accuracy in battle with this subskill, so i would assume the way to level it up is through constant damage output, like a dps tracker, the higher the DPS you do during a battle, the more xp you will get, the longer the battle with a steady good DPS, the higher the xp you get.

Godless -> survival instinct (support, increase effectiveness of healing/buff consumables during battle), uses cooking, herblore, fishing, hunter. Earn bits of xp everytime you consume food and heal, or use a potion for a fight. Food giving less xp, potions giving more since they are time gated and are more expensive for the most part.

These subskills are meant to be a long term grind, not something people would aim to max out in the first few weeks. Although it might be possible with some of them, like necromancy since it has a money sink portion tied with it.

Alternatively, a "true skill" they could add is...

Merchant. This game involves alot of trading, so it would make sense to create something tied to it.

Merchant would imply a rework on npc stores, allowing players to sell items directly into npc stores and have said items pop up world wide for everyone to buy, the value of items in npc stores would be lower value than on GE. Buying stuff from the npc, would earn you xp, selling items there would also earn you xp. Long term benefits of the skill is... better item values across the world from npcs. Increased loot pool luck for gold rewards. Create your own shop in towns and houses.

23-Nov-2021 22:04:41 - Last edited on 23-Nov-2021 22:12:08 by Poseidon986



Posts: 32,671 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh. bleep. No.
No to subskills that require you to join a faction.

Runescape has never been developed that way .... even the 2 skills that required quests (Herblore and Summoning) had that requirement yanked a decade ago.

Factions were also meant to be a 'flavor' thing ... not a way to focus your gameplay.
Plus it would also mean that joining a certain faction would horribly impact your DPS or skilling.
Basically for efficiencyscape - join [faction] and suddenly that is the one that everyone has to go to regardless of your own roleplaying fantasy.

If they made a difference, it would be cosmetic only.
ie: if your boost was skilling, each would have a different animation, but do the exact same thing
ie: if you were to Summon a follower of the faction, it would just be a different skin for the same combat leveled follower

24-Nov-2021 03:24:38

Chad Da Mag

Chad Da Mag

Posts: 158 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Taxation. It won't be limited to 200mil XP and it will have a hiscore stat. That way it can drain money from the game. There will be no progession system only cosmetic unlocks to showoff your accumulated Tax or rank. Oh and a skill cape.

09-Dec-2021 00:30:08

Vengeance of
Mar Member 2018

Vengeance of

Posts: 2,372 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
With the semi-recent developments in the Elder God Wars Dungeon -- more specifically, bringing in Zamorakian necromancers to raise the dead and the reveal that necromancy involves the Shadow Realm in some way -- I wonder if Jagex is setting the stage for Necromancy to be a new skill in the foreseeable future. Sure, it could be just be a new spellbook -- OSRS has given us a rough idea of what that could look like with their Arceuus spellbook, and it's been a very long time since we got a whole new book of spells -- but it's beginning to feel like necromancy in the RS3 universe relies on something other than Runes to power it (and we've known since Summoning's release that it's different from Summoning too, thanks to Malingius Mortifier).

Could possibly be a second Elite skill? I feel like high Prayer would be part of this, given that Necrovarus (someone who would know) has debunked the theory that Prayer is powered by the gods and that it's actually powered by the energy of the dead. Possibly Divination as well, given that skill is based around anima, which is what souls are made of?

18-Dec-2021 20:57:12 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2021 20:59:53 by Vengeance of

Mel 624
Dec Member 2021

Mel 624

Posts: 744 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Prayer has always been involved with ghost stuff and making necromancy more diverse than just raising zombie/skeleton minions would more than justify the prayer element. Invention always seemed to imply the eventual addition of other elite skills and necromancy gives off the impression of something that requires considerable time, skill and knowledge in various things to use properly, so if they gave players access to it making it another elite skill seems like a good idea.

Prayer, magic and summoning seems like the best combination of 3 skills since most necromancers seem to be mages and it would likely have some overlap with summoning with undead likely functioning like familiars.
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