I've been saying this for a while I would love to see 120 skills, and it's obvious jagex has so many ideas that could be added in new levels, all this junk getting turned into cosmetics could have easily been in the 99-120 tier, and anyone saying that 120 would be too OP, there would be balancing and we're already not too far off 120 combat stats right now with the enhanced elf city overloads. there is no use worrying in any of those areas, the only thing you should focus on as a downside is that if you release 100-110-120 or other level weapons or armors that the lower level armors and weapons would be useless as you would need the 120 gear to do 120 focused bosses. for non combat skills how ever I could see them adding 99-120 in levels right now. there's no reason why not, most of these treasure hunter ideas could've been viable content instead of something you shrug off at the beginning of each day. and many more, the skills don't need to start perfect, they will never be perfect, there's not one single perfect skill in the game now and there never has been.
YOU DON'T NEED THE CONTENT FOR 99-120 ON DAY ONE. just let them release 120 in levels and then a few items in each tier and then fill in the gaps. it's like most people who use to play never remembered everyone running around with their dragon medium helms, dragon battle axes and dragon square shields because those were the best items in the game and everyone had to have them before they went to draynor to duel. although I know not everyone has played as long as I have some have played longer as well, but we could all definitely benefit from having the 120 skills, in actuality, it would create openings for much more original content, and not just reskins and reopenings of items skills and bosses (looking at you ritual of the six and solomon's barrows cosmetics.)
21-Dec-2014 17:32:13