I do know about the needle, but still it remains the gods cannot be brought back to life.
The needle also did not fully work on Jas with the help of the second elder artifact staff of Armadyl Kerapac was able to hold Jas just long enough during the quest that's why we needed to hurry.
Also the Needle is shattered now after those events.
So far we are not time guardians and we lost our world guardian powers after resent events to ban the gods once again form Geilinor.
In other world we are once again the just well trained adventures form before world wakes.
Dimension of Disaster is a total different thing indeed, but like you say it is a different dimension not time travel.
We also do not know what gods still remain in that dimension, maybe Guthix is death maybe still asleep we just do not know.
We also do not exist in that dimension, but it is not really cannon lore just a reflection of what we did for Geilinor so far.
So far when gods died there bodies turn into stone and there minds just vanish they do not have souls like Jagex did say in the past.
We can find the death gods so far in: varrock museum and infernal source, guthix resting place, V on the island of stone, Bandos near Burtops, Tuska in the desert Skargaroth on Naragun plane and Mah on Freneskae.
We believe Jas died, but it is unknown if Jas really died!
08-Feb-2023 14:05:22