There's a lot that can be done with the idea of raising and manipulating the dead beyond combat, so I'm hoping that Necromancy ends up being a Support skill. It could be fun to speak with long-dead skilling masters to harness their lost secrets, or guide the corpses of fish and wildlife to lure animals into our traps or harpoons, or tilling the soil by forcing the long-buried dead to turn in their graves... maybe even figure out how to duck into the Shadow Realm (one of the Elder God Wars weekly god conversations mentioned that Zamorak forced his human necromancers to spend time there, so there's likely some sort of deeper connection between necromancy and the Shadow Realm).
I fully expect any Summoning applications to simply be a minor part of Necromancy, like how Archaeology's Ancient Summoning was technically more Summoning than Archaeology. Jagex has historically been pretty good at not letting new skills step on previous skills' toes, so I'm willing to trust that Necromancy won't be any different.
13-Dec-2022 21:11:53