
Comp Cape Rework Dev Update Thread is locked

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Nov Member 2018


Posts: 1,018 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love that bonuses in cape slots (bonesack, ava's device, spirit cape) are added to the character, but this seems as though it should be a reward from a legends guild type quest rather than just handed out for free, perhaps it should be tied to T1 capes if you're not willing to put the time into a suitable quest?

I think keeping the current capes, quest cape, max cape, comp cape appearances is a good thing.

There's no talk of changes to expert achievement cape stats to make them worth using over regular skillcapes, also would be a good time to consider inclusion of invention into them, a lack of which is heavily disappointing.

Considering stats from comp cape are now split up into multiple categories, having a grace period is pointless when new content is added. The only valid cause for having a grace period was not losing all your stats and benefits of comp cape immediately.
The new scenario would be new update comes out, you lose a fraction of your stats, yet you keep all your cape teleport bonuses, etc. and still retain a large stat bonus from having beaten a majority of previous content, and can still PvM at your leisure and beat the content in your own time.
There's no need for a grace period.
Players consistently outperform Jmod expectations anyway, ED3 drop log as a recent example, Jmods said it'd take months, and it took less than a week? Players will get to wear their capes easily, even so having players in a state of working towards getting comp back gives players in that position a goal.
I wouldn't take that away from them. If you're still uncertain, poll it imo.

Making the cape stats a reward for beating the game's content is good and adds worth to various capes, as Tokhaar capes would be BiS, however Tokhaar is easy to get, low time investment and easy reward...
So hopefully some more cape variety will be coming in the future, much like sigils and auras.... Nevermind.

13-Mar-2019 04:05:04



Posts: 1,004 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh, please no. This has got to be the worst idea you could have come up with in regards to, "fixing," the comp cape. The fact that you are completing the game is what makes the comp cape so fun and enticing, but to end up only having a cosmetic to show for all that hard work is ridiculous. The stats and utility of the cape should be your reward for all that hard work. If everybody can get the stats and utility easily, then you might as well just scrap the comp cape. Updates like these are why people are so upset with, "easy-scape," and why half of the player base is on OSRS. If you want to help RS3 stay strong, these over-complicated, dumbing-down type updates need to stop.

This is my opinion. Others may not agree, but I wanted to give my two-cents.

13-Mar-2019 05:17:50



Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If I have misunderstood something my bad, but I read thru the original post and many other replies from players.

I am getting so close to max after playing for close to 14 years. Yes it has taken me a lot longer than most but I have worked hard off and on. The push to finish is 100% due to the max cape and the ability to recolor and customize it.

If it's renamed to something dumb and completely changed/cannot be recolored I'm seriously done. I have zero intention to ever do comp stuff to gain a recolorable cape, I'm sure many others going for max capes/have them do not want to either. Maxing to me is an entirely separate goal from comping and just because you do it doesn't mean the next step is to go for comp. Not even sure why it and the quest capes are proposed to be removed for something called "comp cape rework."

13-Mar-2019 05:41:10

S Frog

S Frog

Posts: 108 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
you're actually going to make me cry. like im starting to have tears pool up in my eyes. Of course its the best cape ion the game, and why shouldnt it be? its bar none the hardest thing in the game to get and you've completed all major game content already anyways. PLEASE DONT CHANGE IT! people without comp cape shouldn't even have an opinion, of course theyre going to want it easier to obtain, Im working on trim comp cape right now and even i dont agree with removing castle wars, you've nerfed the requirement like 10 times already. If people dont want to do it, then they dont get a trim comp. Let it stay prestigious com on guys, ive worked like my whole life to get this, and 8 months later youre going to nerf it...?

Im actually in tears right now.

:O :( :@

13-Mar-2019 06:09:55

Jul Member 2007


Posts: 83 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One of the stupider Ideas jagex has come up with in a while, which is saying something. I'm fine with the Mining/Smithing rework because in my opinion un-updated content should not be old enough to vote, but if you do this you will kill a lot of people's motivation to continue playing past max. I know it will mine, considering I enjoy chasing MQC. not for the fashionscape, not for the stats, but because it's a true sign of completionism and loremastery. A lot of the other proposed changes make no logical sense and are based on the flawed logic of a vocal, whiny minority.

Do not go through with this.

13-Mar-2019 06:50:43

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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Gave it some second thoughts, and I am not sure the 'global extra stats per tier' thing is a good idea. I'd just make all capes (misc, exploration, minigames) cosmetic while quest/lore, combat and skills can have skillcape stats. But it isn't that important.

For the tier 1 exploration and minigame capes, I'd suggest recolouring the (retro) quest cape green and red respectively, that should be easy enough. :)

For the category icons in the achievement interface, change the exploration compass to a green star and the lore one to a blue star (current image is too bright).
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

13-Mar-2019 06:58:49

Haven   Hell

Haven   Hell

Posts: 355 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like the idea of putting stepping stones towards something, even though I'm never going to try to achieve any of those capes.
If people don't like the idea of putting stats on the character you could try showing them everything else that should be on the comp and trimmed cape but currently isn't because of their incessant whining. Most of them would change tune immediately.

13-Mar-2019 07:27:53

English King
Aug Member 2023

English King

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To fix the pvm requirement if you fail make another option after failed attempt where the player can pay npcs to help or make it just low end bosses like gwd wars. And make the pvmer cape separate.

Cw requirement is kind of lame because people just abuse it standing around just to get the requirement instead of playing. It could be fun if the game was reworked to make them actually play. Some people actually go and try to play but its kind of rigged which team will win and which will lose always so no fun if you try your best and end up losing always.
If there was a battle npc option instead of player vs player maybe more fun and if you could actually player with npc team and not have to search for a world with enough players.

I kind of gave up on comp, because I don't like pvm because of lag and usually end up dead so waste of hard earned cash paying all the time or even like the simple chocolate ice run can't do because time speeds up on melting but, with lag impossible. I did a few yet penalized because can't do. Gave up on master quest cape because too much pvm requirements now not just the quest collection some books. Take elite dungeons story mode can do but don't get credited with trying it still have to do normal mode which is impossible if you lag or haven't anyone willing to help and maybe fail and die. Younger member who are hard core probably np but some older players have problems with too many mechanics needed for killing a boss like switching out prayers or like in elite dungeons have to run to a spot to not get hit so hard. I do like that you did make it only story mode req. For the quest but, why would so high end bossing be a requirement for a quest. That kind of defeats the purpose for a quest cape if you can't complete a quest anymore to retain your cape might as well quit the game if you are a person who liked to do them.

13-Mar-2019 08:37:02



Posts: 1,624 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Skimming through other peoples responses I can tell my opinion won't be very popular — but I actually like the proposal.

I suck at PvMing and I never know how to team up with other players... I avoid it at all costs so it's nice to see that different views and methods of gameplay are being taken into consideration.

Good luck!
Not really a berry

13-Mar-2019 09:07:44

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