Hilda is quite right.
In addition, Jagex can't make all old content "relevant".
It is true, that there is stuff that has a place. Iron gear for example.
Before EoC, it was a useful starting gear since it had the same requirements as bronze, just better stats. It was also great for splashing magic for low level training.
Iron Gear does have a place now. Just not as much as pre-eoc. Level 10-19 atk/def training, you want to use it but odds are, you can level out of it pretty quick. Plus its not ideal for higher end bosses. You can disassemble them for components for invention, though at the risk of higher junk chance compared to say rune armor.
Devs did make T70+ gear useful with Invention. They tried to keep Nex armor relevant by making it a core component to make the t92 Trimmed masterwork and later T92 sirenic and tectonic armors. But this has become more of an exception than the rule.
Regrettable, a lot of the minigame content equipment hasn't aged well.
They aren't going to make Sacred Clay Armor better than T50. They aren't going to make Sacred Clay tools better than T50.
Void Knight Gear isn't going to be better than T42.
The Penance Trident isn't going to be made better than T70.
At the very least, none of this will be the case as long as there is no "risk" to the activities or some sort of resource investment.
I know we could get into the argument of time as an investment, but we already have 1 activity that does that: Player Owned Ports. T80-85 melee, range, and magic gear, food, scrimshaws, etc.
If the argument is for the sake of cosmetic stuff, we're better off with devs making them accessible thru other means.
Or, if you want the look, then make the argument for making Sacred Clay stuff retro-cosmetic overrides instead of mid-game gear. And again, providing other means of unlocking it all.
17-May-2023 01:19:12