yes like darkscape, rs chronicle, and rs idle adventures, all RS branded dead projects
Only one of those was an MMO (Darkscape), and it had the same target demographic as RS3.
under the RS brand are the only things they've ever successfully made, and a new entry
wouldn't cannibalize their cash cow
or their old school game, that's the avenue that makes the most sense for them.
how can you make a new runescape mmo without cannibalizing runescape
osrs has and already has more players now
Old School has surpassed RS3 in player count, but that wasn't cannibalism. Jagex took RS3 in a direction a lot of players didn't like.
Those players
didn't want to keep playing RS3
, so jagex offered them a significantly different product, even if it was just an older variation of their existing product.
A new Runescape MMO wouldn't appeal to the OSRS playerbase, because it'd be too different.
It also wouldn't appeal to the RS3 players that have heavily invested in MTX, because they'd prefer to keep their accounts and progression.
It would, however, appeal to old RS players who have since quit either game, and would like the nostalgia of a game they used to play, but in a modern way. It would also be more appealing to absolutely new players, seeing as RS3's new-player experience is trash, and Old School likely puts some people off by its rough appearance and slow leveling.
No doubt there would be a
of cannibalism, but not to such a degree that it wouldn't be a profitable endeavor.
22-Sep-2018 23:50:17
- Last edited on
22-Sep-2018 23:52:42