Yeah. I was a bit disappointed when I saw that they had improved the Grotto for the last 2 weeks since I had already used my keys prior to that unannounced update.
The only legacy item in the shop I hadn't gotten was the KBD jumper even though I know for a fact I have completely participated every year and had done all events since I started playing around 2006. I only knew I had somehow missed that jumper when someone mentioned it a couple years ago and I checked the wiki. There was no way I could have missed it, but for some reason it was not unlocked for me until I got this year.
The only other item I don't have and is not in the shop is the wintumber tree since it was a members only item during that year's Christmas event and I didn't become a member until after that. Not sure why they didn't include it in the shop this year, but oh well.
Regarding the drop parties before the weekly Santa appearance: I didn't know about the drop parties and just made sure to be there just after 8 pm (2 pm my time) to participate; therefore, I have missed all of them since I didn't know they were a thing. I did attend this year's parade and short after party in the Village with the jmod giving out stroopwaffles.
I do have to say that having so many events going on at the same time makes it difficult to participate and do our daily/weekly stuff when we have lives outside this game.
Also, on a side note, the free deaths this week are broken for me. I died at the Risen Ghosts and had to run to my grave from Death's office instead of showing up in Edgeville with all my stuff like last time in Nov. This ruins my plans for this week because I was planning on trying to do a few/all of my remaining 4 quests and maybe some combat related stuff I had been putting off since I don't like combat that much and it is hard for me to do in this game. I took these last 2 weeks of the year off and was hoping to use this week of free deaths like I did last time to catch up on questing/slayer.
26-Dec-2023 03:54:26
- Last edited on
26-Dec-2023 03:56:35
Shi No Neko