A nice picture I took a few weeks back. Seeing as Summer is on it's way out I thought a nice Summer picture would help keep the cold and rain away....
Happy Friday everyone. Hope your weekends turn out good.
I've a lot to do in 2 days so see what I get done lol.
Stay safe everyone and well wrapped up.
Great photo.
Sad to think summer's up. Although, can't complaint too much, given the extended summer we received in early Sep (at least around UK & Europe).
Extended as in 4 whole days of heat we could not cope with rather than the usual 3 days, that extra day in August caused the shortage of fans in B and M, Asda and Argos lol.
Much love
Scouse - 86 days till Christmas
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
August 15th 2017, the day Jagex freed me
Liverpool is love, Liverpool is life