Not a single skilling activity lasts effectively for longer than 5 minutes.
If we have anything active, whether it be a potion, aura, DXP or any other type of bonus, these will continue to run down
the effective skilling time is over, until the point we get logged out to the lobby. We essentially lose 5 minutes of our timers each time this happens.
So now we've cleared up there is zero benefit to skillers, let's get onto your other "positive":
"In many cases, when we get log out, we have to wait in a queue to get back it, for instance in W84. It is very annoying."
If you're not active in W84, you are essentially wasting bandwidth on that server that other players could make use of. Now if every player was to stand around doing nothing for 10 minutes, it's going to make the matter of getting into W84 incredibly harder!
So now we have another major disadvantage to the extended log-out timer. What more is there?
Let's see.
Let's say I step away from my desk to grab a drink. Sometimes I may get distracted and will be away for a little while longer than usual. What's to stop someone else coming along and doing something on my account whilst I'm away? Yes this issue existed before, but an extended timer will give much more opportunity for this to happen. I can only hope that the bank pin is required immediately after a 10 minute log out!
So security is another negative.
And then there's the point already raised. If we're not actively partaking in the game, are we actually playing it at all?
A major reason why there are not as many new players coming in compared to years gone by is because when once there were players to talk to, now they are mostly AFK. This is an MMPORG. If we aren't doing the multiplayer part, even for a small amount of our playing time, then the game itself will suffer.
Finally we have server load. The longer we're in-game, the more cost there is to Jagex. If we're inactive, there's no benefit to either party.
02-Aug-2023 18:46:28