*Original List*
The main ways a 10Hp pure can do quests are by Cannon, Recoils, and the Ancestral Spirit Aura from the Loyalty Points Shop.
ASA = Ancestral Spirit Aura
Black Knight Fortress
The Blood Pact (ASA)
Cook's Assistant
Demon Slayer (Min Hp)
Dragon Slayer (Cannon)
Ernest the Chicken
Goblin Diplomacy
Gunnar's Ground
Imp Catcher
The Knights Sword
Myth's of the White Lands
Pirates Treasure
The Restless Ghost
Rune Mysteries
Shield of Arrav
Swept Away
Unstable Foundations
Vampyre Slayer
What's Mine is Yours
Total: 39 Qps
All Fired up
Animal Magnetism
As a First Resort (Assuming completion of Big Chompy Bird Hunter)
Between A Rock... (ASA)
Big Chompy Bird Hunter (No Hp, do now before it's fixed)
Buyers and Cellars
Cabin Fever
Carnillean Rising
Catapult Construction
Clock Tower
Cold War
Creature of Fenkenstrain (Cannon)
Deadliest Catch
Death Plateau (ASA)
Death to the Dorgeshuun (Min Hp, see pg. 10)
Defender of Varrock (Min Hp)
Desert Treasure
Devious Minds
The Dig Site
Druidic Ritual
Dwarf Cannon (Important one)
Eadger’s Ruse
Eagles Peak (Cannon)
Elemental Workshop 1-4 (Cannon)
Enakhra’s Lament
Enlightened Journey
The Eyes of Glouphrie (Recoil, No Hp)
Family Crest
The Feud
Fight Arena (Min Hp)
Fishing Contest
Forgettable Tale…
Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf (ASA)
Garden of Tranquility
Gertrude’s Cat
Ghost’* Ahoy
The Giant Dwarf
The Golem
The Grand Tree (Cannon)
Hand in the Sand
Haunted Mine
Hazeel Cult
Holy Grail (Recoil, Min Hp, Last Hit Excalibur)
Horror From the Deep (Cannon)
Hunt For Red Raktuber
Icthlarin’s Little Helper (Cannon)
In Pyre Need
Jungle Potion
Kennith's Concerns
King's Ransom
Let Them Eat Pie
Lost City (Recoil, Min. HP)
The Lost Tribe
Making History
Con. Blackston is a Naabe.
05-Sep-2013 01:31:22 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2013 01:49:20 by So Close