
Possible Quests - 10Hp

Quick find code: 98-99-790-66064681

So Close
May Member 2011

So Close

Posts: 912 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Original List*

The main ways a 10Hp pure can do quests are by Cannon, Recoils, and the Ancestral Spirit Aura from the Loyalty Points Shop.

ASA = Ancestral Spirit Aura

Black Knight Fortress
The Blood Pact (ASA)
Cook's Assistant
Demon Slayer (Min Hp)
Dragon Slayer (Cannon)
Ernest the Chicken
Goblin Diplomacy
Gunnar's Ground
Imp Catcher
The Knights Sword
Myth's of the White Lands
Pirates Treasure
The Restless Ghost
Rune Mysteries
Shield of Arrav
Swept Away
Unstable Foundations
Vampyre Slayer
What's Mine is Yours

Total: 39 Qps

All Fired up
Animal Magnetism
As a First Resort (Assuming completion of Big Chompy Bird Hunter)
Between A Rock... (ASA)
Big Chompy Bird Hunter (No Hp, do now before it's fixed)
Buyers and Cellars
Cabin Fever
Carnillean Rising
Catapult Construction
Clock Tower
Cold War
Creature of Fenkenstrain (Cannon)
Deadliest Catch
Death Plateau (ASA)
Death to the Dorgeshuun (Min Hp, see pg. 10)
Defender of Varrock (Min Hp)
Desert Treasure
Devious Minds
The Dig Site
Druidic Ritual
Dwarf Cannon (Important one)
Eadger’s Ruse
Eagles Peak (Cannon)
Elemental Workshop 1-4 (Cannon)
Enakhra’s Lament
Enlightened Journey
The Eyes of Glouphrie (Recoil, No Hp)
Family Crest
The Feud
Fight Arena (Min Hp)
Fishing Contest
Forgettable Tale…
Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf (ASA)
Garden of Tranquility
Gertrude’s Cat
Ghost’* Ahoy
The Giant Dwarf
The Golem
The Grand Tree (Cannon)
Hand in the Sand
Haunted Mine
Hazeel Cult
Holy Grail (Recoil, Min Hp, Last Hit Excalibur)
Horror From the Deep (Cannon)
Hunt For Red Raktuber
Icthlarin’s Little Helper (Cannon)
In Pyre Need
Jungle Potion
Kennith's Concerns
King's Ransom
Let Them Eat Pie
Lost City (Recoil, Min. HP)
The Lost Tribe
Making History

Blackston is a Naabe.

05-Sep-2013 01:31:22 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2013 01:49:20 by So Close

So Close
May Member 2011

So Close

Posts: 912 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Original List*

Meeting History
Merlin's Crystal
Monk’s Friend
Monkey Madness (Cannon)
Mountain Daughter (Cannon)
Murder Mystery
My Arms Big Adventure (Min Hp, Poison)
Observatory Quest (Chance to gain 875 HP )
One Piercing Note
One Small Favor (ASA)
The Path of Glouphrie (Must kill the Evil Creature, Cannon boss)
Perils of Ice Mountain
Plague City
Priest in Peril (Min. HP)
The Prisoner of Glouphrie
Quiet Before the Swarm
Rag and Bone Man
Rat catchers (~14 Hp)
_Evil Dave
_Pirate Pete (ASA)
_Monkey (Cannon)
*Ogre ( No Hp, do now before fixed)
Recruitment Drive (No xp)
Regicide (Cannon)
Roving Elves (ASA)
Rum Deal (Cannon Maybe)
Rune Mechanics
Rune Memories
Scorpion Catcher
Sea Slug
Shades of Mort’ton
Shadow of the Storm ( Recoil, Guthix Rest Tea)
Sheep Herder
Shilo Village (Cannon)
The Slug Menace (95 Hp)
Smoking Kills (Lots of Recoils, Yak needed along with Fruit Bats, long fight, min Hp xp)(Thanks V_a)
Some Like It Cold
Spirit of Summer
Spirits of the Elid (1 xp)
Summer’s End
Swan Song (Recoil, Poison, Difficult)(Hp Varies)
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
A tail of Two Cats
The Tale of the Muspah
Tears of Guthix
Temple of Ikov (Min. HP xp)
The Tourist Trap (Min. HP xp, cannon if you go through the effort of finding a place to setup)
Tower of Life
Tree Gnome Village
Tribal Totem
Troll Romance (Cannon)
Troll Stronghold
Underground Pass (High Agility Recommended)
A Void Dance (Min Hp)
Wanted! (Cannon)
Waterfall Quest
What Lies Below (Cannon)
Wolf Whistle
Zogre Flesh Eaters (Min Hp)
Total: 196 Qps
Total Members + F2P: 235 Qps
Total Hp xp(Assuming Perfect): 221 xp
Blackston is a Naabe.

05-Sep-2013 01:31:28 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2013 01:49:05 by So Close

So Close
May Member 2011

So Close

Posts: 912 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nah, we'll just have a go to page# for info pertaining to the current list, which I guess will be page 57ish.

Was looking through the abilities trying to see if anything reflected damage, and turns out there is one. Reflect is a level 37 defence ability that reflects 50% of damage received for 10 seconds, and is a threshold ability. I'm going to do a bit of testing on my main to see if its safe to use, and if we can even get to threshold abilities using the basic defensive abilities.
Blackston is a Naabe.

05-Sep-2013 02:04:41 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2013 04:05:11 by So Close

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 257 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm currently battling the Chaos Dwarf Hand Cannoneer in the beginning of "Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf" and while you do have Commander Valdaba attacking the Choas Dwarf, he hasn't been hitting at all, the dwarf automatically attacks you whilst entering the upstairs area. Recoils and ASA should do the trick, will update further once I'm finished.

Edit: I fear bad news is upon me... I was able to recoil him down to the nub (although ASA killed him first) I was still told that the Dwarf needed to be dealt with... *sigh* round 2 I suppose.

Edit2: After watching a few videos on the quest, I noticed that the Commander always attacks first... it could mean that you have to cast weaken ASAP before the Commander gets to attack the chaos dwarf. Maybe that might work as I will test it tomorrow since my ASA needs recharging.

05-Sep-2013 04:55:44 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2013 05:27:12 by Acknowledge



Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sweet a revamp!

College has been keeping me pretty busy lately.

Quests i did after eoc:
The blood pact.
I might of just killed the 3 people. i might of used recoils though.
death of dorgshon:
(Sigmund doesn't actually die so you can just attack him)
I trapped zanik and recoiled the guards. Zanik before eoc gave you xp... not so sure now but trapped him to be safe.
The grand tree:
recoiled the demon
Monkey Madness:
recoiled the demon/ gnome help

The Eyes of Glouphrie:
just kill the 6 creatures (recoils/ asa don't work and other people can't kill them for you due to only you seeing them for what they are i believe)... all 6 together will give you 0-3 constitution xp...

RFD freeing the monkey:
To get the other gree grees, i just cursed the monkeys and had someone kill them. easy as pie... mmm pie!
Rat Catchers:
no xp gained!
RFD Evil dave:
no combat so no xp lul
New Desert quests:
well i did them just fine with recoils, but 13 said he couldn't get them to do damage on him.... and a remember a level 4 skiller saying the same thing...interesting (bug?)

Maybe make a separate spot where you could do the quest, but you will gain xp for killing the creature. like temple of ikov, one small favor, possibly my arm's big adventure, zogre flesh eaters, and contact! each averaging 100 hp xp gained
Fear the almighty Woo Lord ...

05-Sep-2013 23:05:49

So Close
May Member 2011

So Close

Posts: 912 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Start listing all doable quests please so we can make a fresh list, divide by F2p and Mem too. Preferably quests that we know work after the EoC update. Also, include method if combat is involved. I'll be omitting The Elder Kiln as that was probably a bug. :)

We'll sort out issues later, such as not being able to do the initial quest, ex. Demon Slayer as a requirement for Shadow of the Storm. For now post any quest that we have completed post EoC update.

TFK = Target + Friend Kill
ASA = Ancestral Spirits Aura
K = Kill normally with no Xp gain.
KXP = Have to kill, small amount of xp.
R = Recoil. ASA can usually be used in conjunction.
FTK = Friend targets, you kill with no xp gain.
P## = Page Number

Cook's Assistant
Demon Slayer (R,K) P60
Druidic Ritual
Ernest the Chicken
Goblin Diplomacy
Gunnar's Ground
Imp Catcher
The Knights Sword
Let Them Eat Pie
Myths of the White Lands
Pirate's Treasure
The Restless Ghost
Rune Mysteries
Shield of Arrav (TFK)
Stolen Hearts (R)
Swept Away
Vampyre Slayer (K)
What's Mine is Yours (R)
Wolf Whistle

All Fired Up
Another Slice of H.A.M. (R,K) P59
As a First Resort
Between a Rock... (K)
Big Chompy Bird Hunting (KXP)
Bringing Home the Bacon
Buyers and Cellars
Cabin Fever
Carnnillean Rising (R)
Catapult Construction
The Chosen Commander (K,R) P62
Clock Tower
Creature of Fenkenstrain (R) P59
Deadliest Catch
Death to the Dorgeshuun (R, K) P58
Devious Minds
Diamond in the Rough (R, bugged atm)
The Dig Site
Dwarf Cannon
Eadgar's Ruse
Enakhra's Lament
Enlightened Journey
The Eyes of Glouphrie (KXP)
Fight Arena (R, ASA)
Fishing Contest
Forgettable Tale...
Garden of Tranquility
Gertrude's Cat
Ghosts Ahoy (KXP) P60
The Giant Dwarf
The Golem
The Grand Tree (R, ASA)
The Hand in the Sand
Hazeel Cult (Hazeel Side)
Holy Grail (R)
Hunt for Red Raktuber
In Pyre Need
Jungle Potion
Kennith's Concerns
King's Ransom
Land of the Goblins (K) P60
The Lost Tribe

Blackston is a Naabe.

06-Sep-2013 02:26:31 - Last edited on 19-Sep-2013 03:00:16 by So Close

So Close
May Member 2011

So Close

Posts: 912 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Making History
Meeting History
Merlin's Crystal (K)
Monkey Madness (R, ASA)
Murder Mystery
Observatory Quest
One Piercing Note
Perils of Ice Mountain
Plague City
Priest in Peril (KXP,TFK) P59
The Prisoner of Glouphrie
Recruitment Drive (KXP) P59
RFD: Evil Dave
RFD: Goblins
RFD: Monkey (TFK)
RFD: Pirate Pete (TFK)
Rune Mechanics
Rune Memories
Scorpion Catcher
Sea Slug
Shadow of the Storm (R)
Sheep Herder
The Slug Menace (K) P62
Some Like it Cold
Spirit of Summer
Summer's End
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
A Tail of Two Cats
The Tale of the Muspah
Tears of Guthix
The Tourist Trap (FTK) P60
Tower of Life
Tree Gnome Village (R)
Tribal Totem
Wanted! (TFK,R) P62
Waterfall Quest

Total Qps: I'll add later ;)
Total Hp Xp: 74

To be tested:
The Blood Pact
The Death of Chivalry
Death Plateau (R?)
Dragon Slayer (Just the Dragon Fight)

Animal Magnetism
A Clockwork Syringe
Cold War
Dealing with Scabaras
Defender of Varrock
Desert Treasure
Eagles Peak
The Elder Kiln ( Was most likely a bug)
Elemental Work Shop Series
Family Creast
Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf
The Feud
The Great Brain Robbery
Haunted Mine
Horror From the Deep
Icthlarin's Little Helper
King of the Dwarves
Lost City (R, or TFK?)
Monk's Friend
Mountain Daughter
My Arm's Big Adventure
One Small Favor
The Path of Glouphrie
Quiet Before the Swarm
Rag and Bone Man (TFK?)
RFD: Dwarf (TFK?)
RFD: Ogre
Regicide (TFK?)
Rocking Out (I Doubt It)
Roving Elves (TFK?)
Rum Deal
Shades of Mort'ton (TFK)
Shilo Village
Smoking Kills
Spirits of the Elid
Swan Song
Temple of Ikov
Troll Romance
Troll Stronghold
Underground Pass
A Void Dance
What Lies Below
The World Wakes
Zogre Flesh Eaters

If I'm missing any from here, let me know. I just went down my quest list in game to come up with this.
Blackston is a Naabe.

06-Sep-2013 02:26:42 - Last edited on 20-Sep-2013 03:00:09 by So Close



Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
if you have that combat daily challenge, i find it easy to go to the battle arena where the gnomes and khazard troops fight. just curse one of the people that's already in battle :)

This could probably work in burthrope to... if the enemy is in your target level that is.
Fear the almighty Woo Lord ...

07-Sep-2013 20:33:46

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 257 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Funny thing about the combat dailies are the ones where you need to kill a GWD boss. I'm unsure that's even possible. I was thinking you could cast curse on one of the bosses and have a group of friends kill him very quickly, but that's up to someone who wants to test that.

07-Sep-2013 23:46:58

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