Last I checked recoiling doesn't give you anything as long as you don't hit. Doing any amount of damage with make you gain xp. If the creature isn't aggressive you can cast a curse of some kind to get it on you, doing this will get you just the drop but won't count for anything like slayer xp or for quest specific killings. To get it to count as a trigger for quests or slayer xp, casting a successful mage ability will count for that.
I found that these will not hit as long as you don't click the right click option attack or select any spell. You can use the abilities without hitting for days until you do one of the things I just mentioned. The moment you click attack or select a spell that does damage those abilities will start to hit and hard. To make sure those abilities won't hit just log before you target anything. If for some reason you do attack, run out of the area and it will clear your target and reset the creatures health.
Basic run through if you need a quest trigger/slayer xp by recoiling:
1. Relog, clear any attack/spell that you may have clicked.
2. Use the Target option in the upper right corner of the hotbar, targeting by the right click attack option will result in abilities hitting.
3. Use a mage ability, no need to cast a curse to get the creature on you, the abilities count for that.
4. If all goes well no xp should be gained other than slayer, assuming it was your task, and it should count towards the quest.
I haven't tested ASA post EoC yet due to being a bit busy and whatnot. I'll give a go at testing recoils again to make sure they don't give xp in a bit, might try ASA as well.
Edit: Yup, all seems to still be working properly. I recoiled for a solid half an hour without gaining any hp xp, got about 20 kills with ASA's help. ASA is pretty good now, got it to max out at 621 and lowest was a 1. Still quite rare for it to hit. I'd recommend starting a trial acc to try the above method, 13 still can't get it. :p
Blackston is a Naabe.
10-Dec-2012 15:48:09
- Last edited on
10-Dec-2012 16:57:35
So Close