
Possible Quests - 10Hp

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Elfen Lied

Elfen Lied

Posts: 50 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You can gain 1-2xp doing Vampire Slayer. You do gain minimal combat experience from it. This is if you don't recoil/veng once or anything.
I gained 1xp from it. Nothing too drastic but sometimes every XP does matter. I don't plan to do any more combat quests until I get ancestrial spirit aura. Seems pretty awesome for 10hp questing. =)
Although I don't know if I want that or Jack of Trades (to help with combat training)
I'd also like to mention that you cannot cannon Horror from the Deep. The ground is too wet for a cannon to be placed. Lvl ten hp found this out ages ago and I confirmed it back in like 09~ - so unless that's been updated.....

15-Jun-2012 08:27:54

So Close
May Member 2011

So Close

Posts: 912 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Vampire Slayer gains no hp xp. I've tested it on a trial account and gained nothing, the animation for killing Count Draynor takes over even if you did no direct damage and kills him resulting in zero hp gain.
Horror From the Deep Can be Cannoned, I cannoned it in 2011 easily. Just be sure to pick it up after the green stage is done and place it back down right after. When its about to shift back to green reload then repeat.

Attempting My Arm's Big Adventure today and its not looking possible to not gain any hp at the moment, at least not until we get the hp boost with the EOC. The Giant Roc uses it stun special far too much to even dent it's health. Went through a full inventory and a Tortoise of Rocktail and started using a Fruit Bat at the end and only managed to get hit by it's melee attack about 20 times.
Blackston is a Naabe.

15-Jun-2012 12:33:15 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2012 15:17:42 by So Close

Elfen Lied

Elfen Lied

Posts: 50 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It had to have been updated then. Lvl Ten HP and myself had both tried it.
"The ground is too damp for a cannon to be placed." was roughly the message it gave when trying to cannon.
It must have been updated in 2010 as we tested this in 2009. Good to know I can put the effort into doing the quest and get an off-hand weapon to help with range training. :) Every bonus counts!
I've learned my mistakes from my last 10 HP account - which Zanik and Combat Familiars had gotten me about 140~ HP XP without me realizing it "before it was too late". Combined with misclicks while getting 99 thieving I managed to get 11HP before accomplishing much as a 10HP account.
This is my 2nd 10hp account and I'd just like to thank you for this guide - as well as the detailed "how to" for Death of the Dorgeshuun. It's nice I can avoid getting a ton of uncessary HP XP. Although I'll be awaiting the Ancestrial Spirit aura before doing any combat-based quests. If only to speed up the recoiling. :P

15-Jun-2012 23:53:57

So Close
May Member 2011

So Close

Posts: 912 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Okay, I did Death Plateau on my main, was the only quest I didn't redo when they updated the area. You have to inflict damage to progress in the quest and finish it. So if you really don't want to gain any hp you'll be waiting.
As for One Small Favor I'd guess you would have to lure them and recoil them separately. Since the area isn't instanced you can get a few vengers to help speed the kills up. I'll be doing that quest today to make sure and confirm/test some methods.
Blackston is a Naabe.

16-Jun-2012 13:24:20

Elfen Lied

Elfen Lied

Posts: 50 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well considering I don't want to be chancy like I was on Ryuuguu (maxed the acc. after failing to be a 10hp pure) - I think I'll be waiting til Ancestrial Spirit Aura to finish a lot of quests up. (Namely: Any quest that requires me to do combat but not in a specific way [eg: air-fire blast for family crest, etc.)

16-Jun-2012 13:29:38

Elfen Lied

Elfen Lied

Posts: 50 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Vampire Slayer gains no hp xp. I've tested it on a trial account and gained nothing, the animation for killing Count Draynor takes over even if you did no direct damage and kills him resulting in zero hp gain. "
I just realized you replied to this.
I gained 1HP XP and 3 def XP killing him. That XP didn't just pop up out of nowhere - and while it's extremely minimal it does exist.

16-Jun-2012 13:34:18

So Close
May Member 2011

So Close

Posts: 912 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hmm, odd. I did this Quest like Five years ago on this account, flat out killed him with magic. :p As I said I didn't receive any xp. I'll be more than happy to test again since it is an easy quest to access.
As for One Small Favor, You can cannon the first "boss" you come across. For the Dwarf gang members you can either separate them carefully and recoil them individually or if you have some deff levels can recoil all three at the same time. Just make sure you do damage to all three otherwise it won't count. If using ASA, you have to make sure the aura actually hits all three other wise you'll be repeating it many times like I am. Recoiled through them 3 times in one Aura use and still didn't get it, despite the fact I thought my Aura had hit all three, when it had only hit 2.
A person Venging you also speeds it up quite a bit, but again make sure you get that damage in.
Blackston is a Naabe.

16-Jun-2012 15:20:21 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2012 15:21:13 by So Close

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