
Possible Quests - 10Hp

Quick find code: 98-99-790-66064681

200m hp Exp

200m hp Exp

Posts: 260 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tourist Trap guard can be cannoned if you set the cannon up far enough away across the gate. The Mining Camp is a no cannon area but cannon can just reach the guards with cannonballs from outside the no-cannon range. it's extra work but if you don't want any hp exp it's possible. 200m hp Exp / Frost Fox

15-Aug-2012 22:53:02

200m hp Exp

200m hp Exp

Posts: 260 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
also, are there any quests not listed with such a hard boss that you can't cannon or recoil but we'd have the requirements for? was just thinking about instakill dart even though Jagex havn't released enough information to let us know if we could use it or not; They havn't released what monsters it can be used for.

Quoted from Sizzling Summer FAQ

"If I use an Instakill dart, will I get XP related to the damage dealt as usual? Will it be Ranged XP?"

"You will not get the XP that would have been generated during a regular fight."
200m hp Exp / Frost Fox

15-Aug-2012 22:56:30 - Last edited on 15-Aug-2012 23:02:12 by 200m hp Exp



Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
this is a great thread.
currently im doing the shilo village quest :)
how is it possible to do the family crest without gaining hp xp?
Fear the almighty Woo Lord ...

16-Aug-2012 08:22:47 - Last edited on 16-Aug-2012 08:40:30 by Mainston



Posts: 734 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^I haven't done the family crest quest on this account, but I have on another which minimises hp. When doing it, you hit so low with the magic spells that the exp gets rounded down I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong of course, but I do recall doing it without any hp exp gain.

Contemplating questing more on this account, not sure if I will yet though. I will have enough points to buy an ancestral spirits aura soon though, so we'll see I guess.

17-Aug-2012 09:14:03 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2012 09:16:14 by Dugtrio

So Close
May Member 2011

So Close

Posts: 912 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Frost, Contact! quest has the giant scarab that can't be cannoned and it's minions make it difficult to recoil as well as its max hit. I was hoping to use the dart on that and the Banshee Mistress to make my life easier, assuming they can be used.

@ Dr Blackston, as Magnificent said fighting the boss has the xp reduced. This can also be confirmed by Wise Old Man.
Blackston is a Naabe.

17-Aug-2012 13:06:15

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 697 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just out of curiousity, do you use Saradomin Brews or just 10HP?

Also, how are quests that give Constitution quests calculated?


You have two quests.

Quest1 gives 293249027890 constition experience.
Quest2 has as requirement, finish quest 1.

How does that work? :p

20-Aug-2012 00:35:10 - Last edited on 20-Aug-2012 00:36:24 by Zarthus

200m hp Exp

200m hp Exp

Posts: 260 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Saradomin Brews or Rocktails are mainly used. Rocktails boost hp to 200. Bonfire added in will make it 108 or 208 with rocktail, not sure about saradomin brews.

I guess we can't do quest 1 or 2 then if it were to level hp, though if it gave some hp exp without enough to level for quest 2 they would most likely be listed
200m hp Exp / Frost Fox

20-Aug-2012 07:11:22

200m hp Exp

200m hp Exp

Posts: 260 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@so close, yeah I was thinking Banshee Mistress but sadly I don't have the combat requirement for it. Contact ill look into.

edit: Contact needs Restless ghost as a listed requirement so that's a no-go for me.
200m hp Exp / Frost Fox

20-Aug-2012 07:13:03 - Last edited on 20-Aug-2012 07:17:21 by 200m hp Exp

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