Quests I've completed:
All Fired Up
Animal Magnetism
As a First Resort
Between a Rock...
Big Chompy Bird Hunting
Black Knight's Fortress
Buyers and Cellars
Cabin Fever - The pirate that's killed with the ship's cannon didn't give me any experience. I'm not sure if this still holds true.
Catapult Construction
Clock Tower
Cold War
Cook's Assistant
Creature of Fenkenstrain
Death Plateau
Death to the Dorgeshuun
Defender of Varrock
Demon Slayer
Desert Treasure
Devious Minds
Dig Site, The
Doric's Quest
Dragon Slayer
Druidic Ritual
Dwarf Cannon
Eadgar's Ruse
Eagles' Peak
Elemental Workshop I
Elemental Workshop II
Elemental Workshop III
Elemental Workshop IV
Enakhra's Lament
Enlightened Journey, An
Ernest The Chicken
Eyes of Glouphrie, The
Family Crest
Feud, The
Fight Arena
Fishing Contest
Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf
Garden of Tranquillity
Gertrude's Cat
Ghosts Ahoy
Giant Dwarf, The
Goblin Diplomacy
Golem, The
Grand Tree, The
Gunnar's Ground
Hand in the Sand, The
Hazeel Cult, The
Holy Grail, The
Horror From The Deep
Hunt for Red Raktuber
Icthlarin's Little Helper
Imp Catcher
In Pyre Need
Jungle Potion
King's Ransom
Knight's Sword, The
Lost Tribe, The
Making History
Meeting History
Merlin's Crystal
Monk's Friend
Monkey Madness
Mountain Daughter
Murder Mystery
Myths of the White Lands
One Small Favour
Path of Glouphrie, The
Perils of Ice Mountain
Pirate's Treasure
Plague City
Priest in Peril
Prince Ali Rescue
Prisoner of Glouphrie, The
Quiet Before the Swarm - The Pest monster I fought as Korasi didn't give me any experience at the time. Again, I don't know if this still holds true.
Rag and Bone Man
Recipe For Disaster - 6/8 Complete - Unfinished: Lumbridge Sage & Sir Amik Varze
Restless Ghost, The
Roving Elves
Rum Deal
Rune Mechanics
Rune Mysteries
Scorpion Catcher
Sea Slug
Shades of Mort'ton
Shadow Of The Storm
Sheep Herder
Shield of Arrav
Shilo Village
Spirit of Summer
Spirits of the Elid
Summer's End
Swept Away
15-Apr-2012 15:31:11