V a automatically wins. I forfeit the high score competition. otherwise why not, it'd also serve as a list of all the 10 hp pures we can find.
200m hp Exp / Frost Fox
Lol my bad :3. Had like 3 hours of sleep when I was replying
Had some awesome gains this BXPW and I'm glad that I got all my goals
@ 200M
But ya about the 10 Hp highscore. I know that V A is probably like millions and millions ahead of us. But we can compete w/ eachother tho
. And it's a way to find out how many 10 Hpers are left in Runescape. Because I'm really curious about the amount that is still sticking with the 10 Hp way of playing when EOC was implemented in the game.
And I would love to brag about it with my friends :3. That's a little bonus too it tho.