
Possible Quests - 10Hp

Quick find code: 98-99-790-66064681

Tasty Romeo
Sep Member 2020

Tasty Romeo

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some (mini)quests that are now possible due to xp blocks and weren't mentioned yet:

Recipe for Disaster: Freeing the Lumbridge Sage
: no combat.

Dream Mentor
: MUST BLOCK CONSTITUTION XP. A few bosses to fight, most (all?) of which are poison immune and give combat xp. You get "help" from Cyrisus, who will occasionally cast Vengeance on you, but he doesn't actually fight. Lots of recoiling to do.

Grim Tales
: MUST BLOCK CONSTITUTION XP. You have to fight Glod, who is poison immune, but recoil works. No familiars allowed. I think he does not give combat xp but I'm not sure, someone confirm please.

Knight's Waves training ground
: MUST BLOCK CONSTITUTION XP. You must fight 8 knights of Camelot in succession. They will drain your stats, so either bring (plenty of) super restores or use overloads. The knights give combat xp when killed normally, but both poison and recoil work; no familiars allowed however.

Blood Runs Deep
: This one is awful. The dream part is just killing a few dagannoths, poison and/or recoil should do. Same for the Relekka battle.

On Waterbirth Island, however, there is an escort mission waiting for you. You have to keep King Vargas safe from a crapload of monsters while also survining yourself. Blood necklace and poison bombs are very useful here.

The first boss fight is two dagannoth sentinels, who heal each other if their life points differ too much. They give combat xp, but are susceptible to recoil and poison. Stand on top of one of the sentinels and they can't use their healing mechanic. Yeah.

The second boss fight is the Dagannoth Queen. Poison works, bypassing her "rotating weakness" mechanic. Wiki says recoil immune, but I think that's wrong (can't remember clearly, someone confirm please :) )

11-Apr-2023 23:03:37 - Last edited on 11-Apr-2023 23:24:05 by Tasty Romeo

Tasty Romeo
Sep Member 2020

Tasty Romeo

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nomad's Requiem
: First fight is the Decaying Avatar. Gives combat xp, poison and recoil immune. DTD recommended, otherwise Blood Reaver. He has 50K lp, but if you don't destroy the roots fast enough when they pop up, you'll have to reaver 125K life points instead.

Nomad is poison and recoil immune and gives combat xp. DTD or reaver.

Love Story
: 7x DTD. Just like Swan Song, because the Wise Old Man hates you. The pit monsters and Zenevivia give combat xp and the Wise Old Man doing damage will cause you to gain that xp, even if you only use recoil/poison.

Ritual of the Mahjarrat
: You have to kill one armoured zombie to gain access to Zemouregal's fortress. Poison bombs and recoil should work fine.

Boss 1: General Khazard; poison and recoil immune, have to use Blood Reaver. Some other NPC's should also damage him. For safety reasons I did not tag him. Ignore Bouncer.

Boss 2: Ice Titans: 2 monsters, poison and recoil immune. Again, reaver only. Other npc's are also fighting ice titans and take forever, you may want to help them out by reavering.

Boss 3: Ice Demons: Same as ice titans, pretty much.

Boss 4: Armoured Zombies: 4 monsters, poison immune but reaver & recoil work. You get help from the Barrows Brothers, but Sharathteerk will constantly heal them. It's very hard to outdamage this heal unless Barrows Bros are focusing same zombie. After DTD'ing a first zombie, it seems to be possible to outdamage the heal for the remaining three, focus on whichever zombie is being targeted by the most barrows brothers. If someone finds a way to avoid DTD here, please do share.

Koschei's Troubles (miniquest)
: no combat.

Mahjarrat Memories (miniquest)
: no combat.

Rebuilding Edgeville (miniquest)
: no combat.

11-Apr-2023 23:21:49 - Last edited on 11-Apr-2023 23:39:56 by Tasty Romeo

Nirane Lane
Aug Member 2022

Nirane Lane

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Do No Evil

From an iron perspective:
The scarabs are a bit of a pain. They despawn too fast for recoil and deflect curses to be enough damage and they're poison immune. They also can't be TFKed.

The solution is a Blood Reaver familiar and dwarven rock cakes. Lower your health before spawning a scarab, tag it (I used weaken) then damage it with the blood reaver special ability (deals damage based on your healing, which doesn't give combat xp). Keep doing that a few times and the scarab dies. You can use the rock cakes in combat, but you need to use them right after taking a hit in combat, or the rock cake won't damage you. I had to kill 3 scarabs but I believe the amount is random.

: Make sure your familiar is on passive mode! You do not want it directly attacking anything.

You need 3 deathtouched darts to kill the final bosses.

For the record, Iron 10 constitution pures can get blood reaver pouches in the Heart of Gielinor. You need another player and (obviously) a binding contract. First, damage the blood reaver for more than 50%, then run 20+ steps (I just ran to the center) and let the other player kill it.
As long as you're far enough away, the kill counts as yours, but you're out of range to get the combat xp. If you teleport out, you won't get a blood reaver familiar. You have to stay in the Heart, but at a safe distance.

13-May-2023 18:24:36 - Last edited on 13-May-2023 19:15:25 by Nirane Lane

Nirane Lane
Aug Member 2022

Nirane Lane

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Our Man in the North

This one was very hard at 1 defence, so no life boosting tank armour. The initial Menaphite thugs can be safe spotted from the camel pen with poison bombs and non-damaging spells to keep the thugs in combat. That part is not an issue.

Jabari is a very different story. This fight took me several attempts. I've been hit for nearly 2k damage through 60% protect prayers. You can't bring a BoB, so your own inventory has to suffice.

I finally managed with deflect magic, protection and penance powders, 3 rings of recoil (ended up needing 2), poison bombs and my best offensive magic gear and a supreme overload flask. Every other inventory spot was filled with 6 dose Sara brew flasks.

Every other phase has ruins to break line of sight. These have to be utilized or you will very likely run out of brews.

First, click the real Jabari. Toss a poison bomb and hide behind a higher wall in the ruins. Let him reset so he's poisoned and you don't take damage. Optimally you'll want his health to drop low from being poisoned but having the poison wear off before he dies. Drop another poison bomb and run back and away from cover to make sure he doesn't reset. This bit is easy to mess up. Make sure not to stay behind cover for too long, but also make sure you don't get attacked too much.

KEEP YOUR HEALTH OVER 2000 AT ALL TIMES. I cannot stress this enough. I died once from a 1900 hit through prayer in the 4th phase. These kinds of hits are infrequent, but they do happen. His max hit on the wiki is very misleading, as it doesn't take his abilities into account.

Once the first phase clears, you're teleported to a different part of the duel arena with no ruins. These "out in the open" phases are the most resource intensive. You can reduce your resources spent a bit by running between opposite ends of the area. This does help a lot because you will run low on resources.

02-Jun-2023 15:06:25

Nirane Lane
Aug Member 2022

Nirane Lane

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Phite Club

At a base 1500 health the palace guards just deal too much consistent damage. I tried kiting the melee guards around while poisoning/recoiling the mages, but I couldn't pull it off. They all hit around 700 through prayer and I ran out of sara brews before any of them died. However, using 2 darts to take out the mages at the start so you only have to deal with the melee guards, which you can trap behind each other, makes this bit fairly trivial. None of the guards use abilities.

As a 1 def/10 constitution pure, I'd say 3 darts are pretty much required. 2 for the first phase, 1 more for the final fight. More health from tank armour is highly recommended, if not required to deal with the first fight without darts.

02-Jun-2023 16:46:30 - Last edited on 02-Jun-2023 16:48:04 by Nirane Lane

Nirane Lane
Aug Member 2022

Nirane Lane

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dimension of Disaster
- again, from an 1 defence account perspective.

Shield of Arrav
: no combat if you side with the Phoenix gang. I believe Johnny the Beard gives unavoidable xp, but not enough to level. This only matters if you replay the quest.

Demon Slayer
: recoil the book to 1 health, then kill with normal damage. This is one of two occasions where you eat a tiny bit of xp, but it's downscaled so much, you don't even see it.
The demons don't give xp.

Defender of Varrock
: I killed the armoured zombies with another account, using the 51% method (get them below half health on your 10hp character, run 30+ steps away, then let another character kill them for 0 xp gained, while the kill still counts as yours. Practice this if necessary. It's easy to mess this up if you don't know exactly what you're doing). You will need a total of 4 vials of red mist for the initial playthrough.

Curse of Arrav
: Sharathteerk is trial and error. I couldn't get the kill using provoke at the end. The tricky bit is, you'll want to get him to as little health as possible. Preferably single digits.
This bit takes time, because it's 100% RNG.

If you have the infernal puzzle box, the method is fairly straightforward though. Hide in the eastern room, just behind the door, so you're just out of reach. Don't go too far in, or he might stop focusing on you and this can cause you to fail the fight. Your defence and health are boosted massively during this part.

Walk in range of Sharathteerk as you activate deflect. Pop resonance when you can. Walk away when deflect ends. Keep doing this and slowly whittle him down. Once he's at about 500 health, be very careful. Try to take him below 10 health. Then kill him with a melee attack. When he's that low, you don't gain any visible constitution xp.

The final fight is much easier. Kill the portals, ignore adds, maintain some distance from the cows.

19-Jun-2023 06:24:23 - Last edited on 19-Jun-2023 06:31:37 by Nirane Lane

10hp to Prif
Apr Member 2022

10hp to Prif

Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ritual of the Mahrajaat - no DTD

Everything stays as Romeo stated a few posts above, except for the fight with 4 armoured zombies where he uses DTD.

How to avoid using DTD:

1) Blood Reaver
2) Lots of Saradomin brews
3) Get highest possible hp boosting armour (body, legs, head) (I used seasinger)
4) Get armour without any hp boost (I used sous chef's body, legs, head)
5) keybind both armour sets to actionbar
6) keybind Sara brews
7) Switch to non-HP boosting armour
8) Switch to HP-boosting armour
9) Drink a Saradomin brew
19) Keep repeating steps 7, 8 and 9 as fast as possible using keybinds and let the reaver kill the zombies

Hope this helps :)

21-Jul-2023 20:09:31

Nirane Lane
Aug Member 2022

Nirane Lane

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Random achievement. I just defeated the leprechaun champion with 0 xp gained. Counts as credit for the Distracted achievement/title.

Restriction is no items equipped or in inventory. So no food, poison bombs or recoil.

Takes a little while but it's possible and actually not that hard. Tank it with deflect melee, then block it behind the ladder and rest to regenerate health. No need to tag it in any way. When it died I got my credit. The slayer and constitution rewards are lamps.

23-Jul-2023 18:25:32

Tasty Romeo
Sep Member 2020

Tasty Romeo

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

With Necromancy going live next Monday (8th August), Jagex will also do changes to how XP is gained. This may or (hopefully) may not cause problems. For example, some previously safe methods could now give XP (like previous changes to cannons, ancestor spirits aura & armour spikes). Or, some bosses that were explicitly programmed to not give combat XP suddenly might give XP now.

As such, please exercise extreme caution and try everything on a different account first until it's been confirmed as safe.

01-Aug-2023 17:14:26

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