Curse of Arrav
: Arrav is immune to poison, and recoiling him does not trigger dialogue. Instead, just fight him normally until he reaches 10k lp. At this point a conversation starts, after which he teleports away. Since he doesn't die, no xp is gained.
The Path of Glouphrie
: The Evil Creature at the start instantly respawns (and kill does not count) when recoiled or even recoil+bolas. Provoking it, however, makes the kill count.
For the terrorbirds, do NOT wear a DTB. When they go invulnerable, your DTB may trigger and deal direct damage rather than reflect damage. Recoil & BN are fine. It's best to hide behind a pillar until they go unaggressive so you can recoil one at a time.
It may be advisable to bring Bolas to this fight, since the Crystal Chime does not work when used manually, and instead activates only when you hit (not splash) the terrorbirds.
24-Feb-2019 18:17:28
- Last edited on
25-Feb-2019 23:01:33