This is my 10hp pure defence account and here's a list of my main goals.
The only combat stat that I have trained is defence. I trained it by farming prickly pears.
PVM Goals: (solo)
Defeat TzTok-Jad
Defeat bosses in The World Wakes and complete the quest
Solo KBD, Chaos Elle, Daggannoth Kings,
Duo the Kalphite King as the base tank
Become proficient at tanking Beastmaster's pets
Become proficient at roles I can do at Yakamaru (currently CPR+JW)
Obtain full achto
Once full achto is earned, attempt to base tank Beastmaster Durzag.
(I know it seems like an impossible goal to do at 10hp/1 pray, but I will give it my all!)
Proof of these accomplishments will be uploaded to my YouTube channel: MinMaximust
Skilling goals for combat related buffs:
Fishing (90) for the Whaler adventurer = plate + smith a set of superior Tetsu
Crafting (90) for Sup. Leviathan Ring + Reefwalker's Cape
Herblore (96) for ovl
Archaeology (97) for fury of the small
Smithing (99) for alloy armour spikes
Divination (99) for portent of life
Agility (99) for fashionscape (untrimmed)
Invention (99) for armour perks
Farming (117) for Malletops perk
Defence (90) for achto.
Achieve the Wallace pet before level 90 defence (luck based goal
Become proficient at Barbarian Assault and earn my desired insignias
Become proficient at tanking maxed mains while returning from looting a Warbands camp
Become proficient at PVP in general
Try to convince Jagex to remove the combat level requirement in order to access
War's Retreat and Soul Reaper.
War's Retreat. CB lvl require*
I'm also a YouTuber:
This is my 10hp pure defence account and here's a list of my main goals.
The only combat stat that I have trained is defence. I trained it by farming prickly pears.
PVM Goals: (solo)
Defeat bosses in The World Wakes and complete the quest
Solo KBD, Chaos Elle, Daggannoth Kings,
Become proficient at tanking Beastmaster's pets
Become proficient at roles I can do at Yakamaru (currently CPR+JW)
Obtain full achto
Once full achto is earned, attempt to base tank Beastmaster Durzag.
(I know it seems like an impossible goal to do at 10hp/1 pray, but I will give it my all!)

Proof of these accomplishments will be uploaded to my YouTube channel: MinMaximust
Skilling goals for combat related buffs:
Crafting (90) for Sup. Leviathan Ring + Reefwalker's Cape
Herblore (96) for ovl
Archaeology (97) for fury of the small
Smithing (99) for alloy armour spikes
Divination (99) for portent of life
Agility (99) for fashionscape (untrimmed)
Invention (99) for armour perks
Farming (117) for Malletops perk
Defence (90) for achto.
Achieve the Wallace pet before level 90 defence (luck based goal

Become proficient at tanking maxed mains while returning from looting a Warbands camp
Become proficient at PVP in general
War's Retreat and Soul Reaper.
Combative Goals of a 10hp Tank
War's Retreat - Remove 60 combat level prerequisite
I'm also a YouTuber:
21-May-2020 01:03:15 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2022 06:01:07 by Sir Wall Ace