I've finally hit the 230 Quest Point milestone after finishing Swan Song.
Here's some info I gathered while doing the Quest:
(When the Wise Old Man casts Saradomin Strike on the attacking Sea Trolls you will gain a small amount of HP Exp, 0.1-2.0 Xp per cast, unless he splashes.
After 5-10 casts he switches from Magic to Range, luckily his Ranged attack doesn't give any Exp. Even without Recoil/Poison each Sea Troll fought during this Quest gives around 3 HP Xp if they're killed from Full Health, with the exception of the Boss which gives 6-8.)
That being said Swan Song is easily doable if you're willing to gain 10-25 HP Exp.
12-May-2012 04:20:25
- Last edited on
04-Jun-2012 19:51:29
Wise Old Man