The Colonel Grimsson fight gave xp due to Veldaban helping you out in pre-EoC. If Veldaban doesn't hit in EoC it may still be possible, but if he hits you will most likely get the full xp from Grimsson. Also, I can't remember if you could actually get Grimmson to attack you or not.
Blackston is a Naabe.
I'm going to go and outright kill him, and I'll post back letting you know the result. This might be a week or two, since I need to gain some strength XP first.
Thinking about it, it seems pre-EOC was only a problem since Veldabans hits gave XP (but now XP isn't given per damage, rather per kill).
^ some companions still will get you xp but it's after the monster dies.
Like in the new demon slayer, your companion will attack the zamorak wizards and if he kills them you get experience for it. (he can 2 hit them) there's a similar problem in Death of Cheverly.
But not all companions will get you xp. Ithlarian doesn't in Missing presumed Death and neither does Ozan in Stolen Hearts.
Zanik did pre eoc but I'm not sure now... Your able to trap zanik though and just recoil the guards to be safe. Sigmond can just be attacked normally because he teleports away.
#800th post!
Fear the almighty
Woo Lord
23-Jan-2014 00:53:48
- Last edited on
23-Jan-2014 03:39:04