As we discussed, I'm willing to re-admit you as a Carouser.
You'll have access to the Friends chat "Carousers" as soon as the Doorman adds you again. Once he has, log in and attract the attention of an Admin, who will meet you in game and invite you to the Caped Carousers' clan chat.
you now have access to the Friends chat "Carousers", please make your presence known and an Admin will arrange to meet you and give you access to the Clan chat. Welcome home.
The assessment of those provisionals whose status was due to be reviewed on 11 February is now complete.
Some people have been confirmed as Carousers and given a silver star. This means that you've made a good impression on the group, and we'd like to keep you around. Congratulations!
*whispers: be sure to read the clan forum!*
One person has been declined because they never got around to joining the clan chat. Seems as if we didn't turn out to be quite your cup of tea? All the best, and happy 'Scaping.
Recruitment is currently suspended until Monday 25 February. You may post an application beforehand, but you need to be aware that it will not be assessed before 25 Feb.
11 members were removed for failing to respond to the sweep.
5 members were made Revellers after notifying that they remain unCaped.
Anyone removed from the membership list in the sweep may reapply in the Recruitment thread - but please be aware that acceptance is not automatic.
Your reapplication MUST also provide the reason for your failure to post a notification of your Cape status in the Sweep thread during the period of the sweep.
Reapplicants will be assessed as new members (so must have a current Quest Cape and have completed all remade quests) but if accepted, will revert to their previous status as a full Carouser (ie they will not need to serve a new provisional period).
1. Please give any previous RuneScape display names that you have used under this account: Rida81, Richard Dain
2. What’s your favourite bar or pub in RuneScape?
poison arrow in ardougne
3. Have you read the group rules properly? (YES/NO)
..3a.. Do you agree that if admitted you will read the Citadel Smithing protocols in the private clan forum, *before* embarking on the creation of ore, charcoal or bars in the Citadel? (YES/NO) YES
4. Do you agree to be bound by the Carousers' Code and the disciplinary procedure? (YES/NO) YES
5. What time zone are you in? (Please give your standard time offset from GMT.) GMT + 1
6. Do you understand why real life drinking is dangerous, and should be approached responsibly? (YES/NO) YES (doesn't mean i actually listen to myself though
7. You do have a Quest Cape you can currently wear? (YES/NO) YES
..7a.. And you've completed every current quest including 'Gunnar's Ground', 'What's Mine is Yours', and the REMADE versions of 'Wolf Whistle', 'Druidic Ritual', 'Death Plateau' and 'Demon Slayer'? (YES/NO) YES
8. Which branch of the Varrock underworld does your character belong to, the *lack Arm Gang or the Phoenix Gang? Phoenix Gang
9. How (or from whom) did you hear about the Caped Carousers?
no idea, that was like 8 years ago.
10. Please list any other RuneScape clans, societies, guilds, associations, unions, fraternities/sororities, clubs etc. that you have belonged to (or attempted to join) in the last 12 months. N/A
11. Are you currently available to be registered as a member of the Caped Carousers' Clan Chat? (YES/NO) YES
..11a.. If not, are you willing to resign from your present Clan Chat if accepted as a Caped Carouser? (YES/NO) N/A
12. Do you agree that if you ever prefer to resign from the group you will post a notice of resignation in the Caped Carousers' private clan forum or the Recruitment thread, rather than simply vanishing from the Clan Chat? (YES/NO) YES (i will this time, promise)
13. Has a current member of the group agreed to support your application? If so, who? (This is not required but may assist in your being accepted.) Don Chosto and Black Mole
But once they have, I'm willing to re-admit you as a Carouser.
You'll have access to the Friends chat "Carousers" as soon as the Doorman adds you again. Once he has, log in and attract the attention of an Admin, who will meet you in game and invite you to the Caped Carousers' clan chat.
Igo, please add Rida back to the FC once his supporters have posted.