Dungeoneering level:
SSH, primal baxe, blood neck, law runes
A screenshot of your berserker and blazer ring tiers:
I am t1 blazer, as I do not have a CSB bound.
[b]Do you have or can you download Skype?:
I have(and encourage the use of) Skype on any floors.
Do you intend to join DGS as an official member (read: ranked in the clan chat)? If not, why?:
No. I am leadership in another clan and need to stay in the CC in order to invite new people, to participate in the citadal, and various other things.
What are your dungeoneering goals? Will you eventually apply to be a ranked keyer in DGS?
120 and beyond, as well as being a superb keyer. I will likely never apply to be an official member of DGS, as my priorities lie in my other clan, the Lavadragons, but I would gladly key floors for DGS members, as well as wing or just DPS.
What is your dungeoneering history?
I dg'd with a friend until about 60-65, then derped around in w117 until 80, then derped around in w148 til 90, then found much better DG friends and got to ~ 96, then found DGS and now I'm 107.
Why did you choose DGS over other dungeoneering clans?
I have heard bad things about the standards that 3BO members are held to(none except a level requirement), and I enjoy (most) of the people here, as well as the efficiency-based and learning-based atmosphere. You frown upon people making mistakes, and will yell at them for it, but the purpose is for them to improve, not for them to be punished. While I've passed the phase of DG knowledge to make big mistakes, I will still make small mistakes(probably more often than I realize), and would like to know how to do everything better. That is a very good attitude to have and promote.
Why does DGS want you? How will you give back to DGS when you're a fully proficient dungeoneer?
It's very simple, so I decided for a while whether or not I'd say this, but I am good at gating and and pathing. I am vocal with what I do if it requires other peo
24-Dec-2012 14:02:01