
• The Roman Empire •

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TRE Central

TRE Central

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After these wars, Roma Imperia went underground for a short period of time. The wars had created many civil problems in RI, especially when it had just come off a Civil War between Peanut, Mos, and Pax.

Nearly a month later, Pax uncovered Roma Imperia and prepared it to flex it's new muscles. It soon reverted back to it's name, The Roman Empire, and demonstrated the return of TRE power. It did this by quickly defeating the Arab Empire of Kharid.

After this victory, Pax Bellum gave power to Skillz319. Seeing an opportunity, Paint244 snatched power and stepped onto the throne. TRE went 100+ and contained a majority 100+ members (many originated from the merge with Kingdom of Ardougne). It soon carried on the war against SIL and demolished them in a war fought at clan wars.

For about a month TRE flourished, but Paint's authoritarian regime had upset the few remaining veteran Romans. Paint decided to change TRE into Vengeance and completely reconstruct Rome entirely. Upsetting loyal TRE members, a meeting was held and TRE was saved. However, Paint and the rest of the members left to create Vengeance 100+.

MosMaiorum was elected Emperor and Mattb6123 was elected Regent. TRE went strictly non-warring and entered a Pax Romana (Roman Peace) from July all the way to August (2009). Under Mos' reign, clan and Senate activity went up, and a steady stream of new Romans were flowing in. TRE remained in a period of peace and prosperity for the entire reign.

During this period, the activity of TRE's Senate was the highest it had been since the reign of Lord Caesar2. The Roman Academy was also reformed and began teaching a new generation of leaders.

After Mos' resignation, King Science became emperor. Pax Bellum, who was banned under Mos' regime, was leading a rebel faction known as Rogue Legion. Pax merged RL into Rome and undermined KS. Science was impeached, and Pax took the throne once more.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:07:54 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:32:09 by TRE Central

TRE Central

TRE Central

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Order Restored

On October 5, 2009 Pax Bellum was announced Emperor of the Roman Empire. He put forth numerous policies and declared the end of the Age of Civil War. 10-5-09 was the beginning of the Imperial Age , leading TRE into a new and brighter future - or so Pax had hoped.

Pax promised the end to complete veteran rule, and promised to train a new generation of leaders to carry on TRE greatness into the future. A curious move, as Pax had long been the veteran spearhead.

However, King Science refused to give up his power, and soon retaliated.

But as Science stood alone, believing to still hold the throne, Pax quickly demonstrated his legitimacy and ability by carrying out a merge. The Last Legion merged into TRE as soon as Pax took power, and TRE doubled in size during his first day. The new Pax regime was headed for a bright future, but more importantly ended the chess match between Pax and Science.

Unsatisfied, Pax still wanted to demonstrate his abilities by merging The Senate, led by Rao Bear, into TRE aswell. Within two days, TRE's power was tripled.

As TRE continued to grow, so did the clan infrastructure. The Frumentarii and the Urban Guard were founded on October 11th to enforce clan security and discipline - and to act as a dog and pony show when TRE entertained the presence of POC and Roleplaying clans it was involved with at the time.

On October 22, 2009 Pax secured a third merge that month with the Eclipsion Empire under Jxac.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:08:16 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:31:41 by TRE Central

TRE Central

TRE Central

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The November Scare

At the end of October, Emperor Pax Bellum went on leave for a couple weeks during the month of November. The Regents, Matt Musou and Mattb6123, were left to handle the Empires affairs.

Pax, with a feeling of conspiracy due to public rumours, removed Musou's leadership and Regency privileges, leaving only Mattb in charge. Due to Mattb focusing on issues of his own, TRE was (not purposely) neglected.

Until Pax Bellum finally arrived on November 17, TRE was starving for leadership, and had not had any events for quite some time. When he inspected TRE, he realized that it wasn't in the condition of power that he had left it.

He spent weeks trying to repair TRE quickly, in fear of a steady decline. He even came close to resignation, and re-appointed the Senate three times in order to get things moving.

Two weeks later, Rome hit a new height of power.

TNF Revolt
[November-December 2009]

During the Rule of the Regency, and prior to the November Scare, a few people began to disagree with the Regent's leadership, especially a one NewDivineStr, who left TRE to form a rebel clan known as The Northern Force (TNF).

The leadership of TNF was made up of what TRE considered criminals, rebels, and traitors. When Pax Bellum eventually returned on November 17th, TNF's aggression had cooled off.

It once again heated up days later into a mass war of flame and spam. The Northern Force believed TRE was afraid, and TRE laughed. Though TRE offered to war many times, no war would have been fought for quite some time. TNF's aggressiveness towards TRE was terminated when Emperor Proto called for an alliance between TRE and TNF right after their war many months later. They became great allies.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:08:45 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:31:07 by TRE Central

TRE Central

TRE Central

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•Hall Four

New Year Reformation
[December 21, 2009-January 1, 2010]

On December 21, 2009 Emperor Pax Bellum issued the founding of the first Tetrarchy in TRE, forming a ruling of four Emperors - as described in Article I of the Second Roman Constitution. On December 20, 2009, Pax wrote this constitution, bringing with it a number of reforms.

The First Tetrarchy consisted of:
Pax Bellum
Lord Faunus

All articles, aside from the Tetrarchy, were instituted on January 1, 2010.

With the new reforms, it gave plebeians less political rights, however it offered an opportunity at a better political future at the same time. Minor reforms were made to the legal system, as well. TRE offices became open to younger members and a new generation, where previously they were restricted to elites.

The End of a Regime

On January 1, 2010 Emperor Pax Bellum retired into the position of Confuto Abbas of Rome - a self-appointment that ensured he maintained a degree of power and relevance. Faunus Caesar replaced him as Emperor.

This ended one of TRE's more powerful and successful regimes. Four months of prosperity would now be a test to the Pax Bellum-bred Tetrarchy. Emperor Scream and Faunus would have no time to relax, as internal and civil issues will always be present in the transition of power.

Short Reformation

Faunus, shortly after becoming Emperor resigned, made Romulus Emperor with Screameagle6. Romulus resigned a short time later, and Mattb6123 became Emperor with Scream. Scream did not make the smartest of decisions while leading Rome, and soon he stepped down making Proto Emperor, who would be forced to handle Northern Force hostilities - which were on a heavy rise.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:09:13 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:30:32 by TRE Central

TRE Central

TRE Central

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Election Results - Restoration

Time went on and the Tetrarchy eventually collapsed, presenting a need for public election. As the Imperial elections furthered, a line was drawn through Rome's politics. Both Pax Bellum and Philmo received equal support from all sectors of the empire, and were neck-and-neck for the entire election period. Two of Phil's voters were accused of taking and giving bribes, while Pax was accused of power abuse while in office. These were some of the most turbulent elections in TRE history.

The elections were tied several times. In the final moments, Pax Bellum came out on top, by two votes and, on May 14, 2010, was restored to power. A day later, he announced Proto as Caesar (title for regent at the time).

During the week after the election, it seemed as if Rome would implode with civil war. A legal craze caused members to file law suits against each other relentlessly - suits were filed against Pax for what he claimed to be the crimes of other administrations or previous regimes. Many impeachments and several reforms occurred in quick succession. Much of the legal insanity was provoked by 'foreign' clan members recently integrated into Rome.

On May 17 and 19, 2010, the Bill of Rights and the Government Bill of Rights were established. The constitution, written by MosMaiorum in place of one established in December by Pax, was eventually abolished; former Consul Visper Mare, who had been impeached by the Senate for illegally giving Pax temporary Imperial authority, began constructing a new Constitution in its place.

Reforms continued with the establishment of a new military administration on May 21. Commissions were granted to Legatus Trollian (known as Sasa to the Patricians), and Tribunus Lordchill and Wtf lm Black.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:09:57 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:29:38 by TRE Central

TRE Central

TRE Central

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Tradition or Progression

One of the only accomplishments Pax Bellum managed to achieve during his Regime full of chaos was a solid establishment of new alliances. He opened up contacts and allies within World 31 through war and a second incursion into W31 affairs. Rome supported the Republic of World 31 in a fight against another World 31 Faction, "The Last Alliance", under Woria Will.

Pax claimed that Rome's involvement in the war was simply for the fight. However, it was a common practice for Pax to feign sympathy for weaker clans as a means of justifying his wars. Whether he truly cared for their welfare may have varied. Nevertheless, Rome helped the Republic in it's victory. Within Rome, chaos was rooting.

Arma Orum, an old rival of TRE's from 2006, had died out but it's members remained. They willingly merged into TRE, bringing their own culture.

A division unfolded between members who aligned with either a younger progressive faction and the older traditional faction of veterans. The progressive bulk included mainly the newly integrated Armanian members who sought to transform TRE into their own vision of what Arma Orum (their deceased clan) had been. The traditionalists, made up mainly of veterans, sought to maintain TRE's image, standards, structure, and community culture. Lordchill and Pax Bellum led each of their respected factions.

Restoration of Proto's rule

Proto was restored to power on June 8th, 2010. Proto was very excited to get back into his regime and intended to start where he left off after he resigned during his first rule. TRE was handed over to him in drastically better shape than when he first got it - in that it could actually stand on its own. Proto had become a key veteran asset and stood as a promising upstart with a high ceiling of potential.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:10:24 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:28:53 by TRE Central

TRE Central

TRE Central

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Armanian Regime, Veteran Aggression

June 19th, 2010 - Emperor Proto resigns. The Armanian-Romano Caesar, Lordchill, takes power. A large exodus of veteran Romans leave in search of a new place. The Spartan Empire was formed by a traditional Imperialist leader within Rome, Romulus, as the laid back era of Rome began to die out. Originally an alliance was formed between Rome and Sparta, but as Romulus' feelings toward the Armanian Regime began to show more each day Lordchill canceled the alliance.

Within a month most of the Romans who had left Rome came back to Rome. However, tensions were beginning to grind beyond their limits. The Armanians (A0) felt they were progressing Rome. Veterans saw it as a transformation of Rome - from the old ways to new. This feud continued from June 19th to August 12th. Key veteran and pro-veteran activists (MosMaiorum, Pax Bellum, Dobee, Proto, Phil, and Thundar12) were elected into the Senate, and became openly hostile toward the new regime, particularly Armanian, actions.

This newly elected Senate of pro-Roman, anti-Armanians had plans for legal impeachment, but they were never carried through. On August 12th the Armanian Emperor, Lordchill, announced that he, along with the other Armanians within Rome, would be withdrawing to once again establish 'Arma Orum'. The Armanians quickly and peacefully withdrew, along with another minor exodus of Romans who followed them out.

The new Roman Emperor, Faunus, and the veteran Senate vanguard once again faced a Rome that would require rebuilding.

Pax Romana Returned

Peace ensued with the reign of Emperor Faunus (ruled August 13 - October 23). This regime opened up a time of peace in Rome, a new "Pax Romana". Rome experienced relaxation, lack of drama, and lack of stress.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:10:42 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:27:59 by TRE Central

TRE Central

TRE Central

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Pax Romana Returned

This was a time of stability desperately needed after the Armanian crisis. Faunus managed to maintain Rome, and unite it, along with other political leaders under the common cause of reconstruction. He and the Senate made many other reforms as well, including a Constitution which put into law a government constructed by MosMaiorum. This government lasted for almost two years without any major changes due to its success.

Only two minor events questioned this peace and stability - TAI's merging into Rome, and the Second Romano-Zarosian Cold War. TAI merged in for a short period of time, but a large amount of them seceded from the merge and formed 'The Divine', who remained openly hostile to Rome but took no action. Though a small boost to Rome at the time, TAI soon withdrew and reformed themselves into 'Reborn Legacy'.

EOZ's alleged attempt to use false reports of "espionage" in exchange for a Roman alliance led to Rome's declaration of war, though hostilities were resolved.

On the home front the reformed Senate, mostly under Princeps Senatus MosMaiorum, became one of the most active Senates in Roman history. For months the Senate met more often than ever, and with excellent attendance. The Senate corrected and updated Rome's outdated laws, and slowly improved the constitution bit by bit.

Faunus eventually resigned after a victorious war against TPE on October 23, 2010. Pax Bellum would once again be declared Emperor.

Imperial Impeachment

Pax had grown negligent, and is said to have requested an interim to be appointed. Due to poor communications, however, a new Emperor was elected instead.

At the time, Pax and MosMaiorum had renewed their rivalry. Pax's regime and the Senate were often at odds. Faunus was renamed emperor, but Pax refused to recognize him as legal. Faunus was made regent.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:11:19 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:27:13 by TRE Central

TRE Central

TRE Central

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Pax Bellum returned again later to check up on Rome's status and his 'interim', finding only that he had been impeached by the Senate for inactivity and power abuse, including ignoring a rightfully-elected (albeit temporary) emperor's actions. This event would create a huge rift between Pax and the Senate for years to come - despite the fact he would use the Senate to further his own gains.

• •
Regency Elections

Lord Faunus wanted TRE to have a say in who would be the next Emperor, so he chose five candidates to be voted upon to be Heir (title for regent at the time, replacing 'Caesar'). Halfway through the election, the office of Heir was abolished, and so converted into the Regency elections.

The five candidates were: MosMaiorum, Chimera, Ahrims T4nk, Proto and Thundar12. Thundar and MosMaiorum ended up dropping out of the campaign for personal reasons. It is important to note that each candidate was a veteran.

Throughout the election, the vote total was Chimera in first, Ahrims in second, and Proto in third. The day before the election ended, Proto set fire to a furious and desperate rally. In the end, Proto and Chimera received the Regency, with Ahrims having accepted defeat.

• •
Restoration of Proto

Lord Faunus' activity rate steadily began to decline, so he was asked for the sake of Rome to resign by MosMaiorum and Proto. He resigned with no objections, naming Proto the new Emperor, thus ending one of the longest regimes of the year.

• •
Entering of the Second Golden Age

The Second Golden Age officially began on December 22, 2010. The recessive nature of Rome was fading. Romans were trying to reform any corrupt parts in Rome, or parts of Rome which simply had no purpose. But it is Rome, and so ambition was always lurking.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:11:48 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:25:46 by TRE Central

TRE Central

TRE Central

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Change in Power

Emperor Proto resigns unsatisfied with his reign.

"I felt chained and unable to do much. I didn't live up to the standards I set for myself during my first reign. The failures of this term are no one's fault but my own."

Proto named Chimera the new Emperor, feeling that it would be a great time for him to get his feet wet in the role of Emperor since Rome was in such a powerful state. Rome had 110 members at this time. Chimera originally chose Pax Bellum and Seer Drazen as regents, but later switched Pax out for Sushi Susi (Odin), a fairly new (but mature and intelligent) member. This decision would set the stage for future social discord. With the MosMaiorum-Pax rivalry fading, the Pax-Seer rivalry emerged.

Prosperity, Decline

Under Chimera, the level of activity in the clan soared, with frequent events being held and new members joining at a steady rate.

This period also represented Rome's participation in battle ladders as a less than fruitful endeavor. Erupting still was powerful hostility between TSE and TRE, resulting in a minor Romano-Spartan Cold War after TRE had declared. A small exodus of Romans also occurred as well.

Emperor Chimera resigned, appointing Sushi Susi as Empress at an inconvenient time.

Status Quo

Whether or not Rome would again enter a dark age or not was questionable. With a war up in the air, and Romans leaving, conditions were bleak - and were up to an Empress, inexperienced in Imperial duties, to repair.

Taking power on March 19, within a few hours Susi had restored the TSE-TRE alliance. The number of Romans that had left days before seemed tiny in comparison to the number of members who would migrate into Rome in the coming weeks.

Rome was efficiently restored to status quo within two weeks.
The Roman Empire
Established 2004
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12-Mar-2018 20:12:16 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2018 04:25:10 by TRE Central

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