I'll come into the clan chat too, but I'm old school and love a good ol' forum app
Official Application
•Name you prefer to go by: Legacy is main name, but don't care for anything else (Arche, Arche Legacy, some people know by original name D the one1)
•Combat Level: 137
•Total Level: 2430
•Lowest Level Skill: Archaeology (Level 1, just came back to the game, last played 2016); Invention 64 is next
•Name your previous clans: Might be missing some but Saradomin's Immortal Lords, Knights of Vengeance, Reborn Legacy, Chaotic Fusion, PAC
•Have you read the Member's Guide? (Page 2): Yes, I acknowledge that guide and the one on the clan page thread
•Will you be active on forums and game?: Yes, full-time worker like I'm sure everyone else is now but I plan to become a regular player again
•Name some of your greatest in-game achievements (Items, skills, etc.): That's hard, but even though it's small I'm proud of my current 12 99s since I got them before RS3. Maybe also joining the RSBL Council of 5 before RS3 caused everyone in RSBL to quit the game or go to OSRS
•How did you hear of TRE? If you were invited, who invited you?: I've known TRE a long-time, since my first clan SIL, and looking at your members list there are still a good amount of people I know / remember
•Anything else we should know: I'm in Los Angeles if anyone else is based here
27-May-2023 04:59:33