As per last week's Senate meeting, we discussed about having a Ledger that would keep track of any donations going into TRE Central, as well as any expenses we have. With the new RS forum thread we have in the Specialist category of clans, the plan for our Ledger will be executed this week.
Senate Change
Congratulations to Episode on his new seat as Tribune Inferior! He has shown great dedication to TRE, and we anticipate that he has a lot to offer in helping us grow. Episode does reside in Europe, so this may help out in terms of having our avatar(s) out during earlier hours.
Social Class Requirement
We have become much more fast-paced in terms of events, recruitment, and other forms of activity. Thus, to prevent rank inflation, the Denarii requirements for the social classes of Patrician, Imperial Patrician, and Imperial Family have been raised.
Darth Bong Z
Vince Pharmd
We have become much more fast-paced in terms of events, recruitment, and other forms of activity. Thus, to prevent rank inflation, the Denarii requirements for the social classes of Patrician, Imperial Patrician, and Imperial Family have been raised.