The association of entire achievements to one individual is baffling. Yes, KoF did have over 170 members for a brief time. Regarding the Kazan thing I'm unsure what you want me to say. I gifted them Rimmington and served as a POC strategist for the clan and forwarded that expansion. Take from it what you will. I'm unsure why this system is so closed, and why there is a right to unilaterally reject a claim of land is beyond ridiculous. I'm attempting to bring a new community to this world that wants a fresh start and wants to contribute in a positive way. And this apparently isn't acceptable, the whole while KoV and Ashdale are at each other's throats. IF you wish to reject positivity and the fresh face of a clan that wants to strt afresh. PoCs are stagnant and fading, and it should be no surprise to you why. My application stands, although I shall go elsewhere if you persist in it's rejection.
KoF never achieved that, even for a brief time. They had at most ~30 members but 2/3 or more were inactive. Kazans were part of the W31 community when Big Guy decided to make the "Republic of W31" or whatever it was. I would vote no just because of you falsifying your past history/achievements, makes me not want to trust you.
I will be very forward in my statement here, and i'm sure it'll be seen as..unpopular to some.
I am not interested in what happened in W31 at the least as far as drama goes and such. It's a contradictory to state anything about the causation of drama as even just about everyone in the 103 community has been guilty of doing it at one point and no community is safe from such...occurrences. So things such as him having a few unsuccessful clans or even have started some drama which i cannot confirm nor deny, i do not believe that it should constitute him being questioned the way he is or even being somewhat accused of wanted to start drama simply because of his affiliations which if i may add is a tad unfair as i am sure many has affiliations to people that some may not like. I would also like to add there are safeguards in place to prevent such things from getting too far out of hand as a community, though right now i do not wish to bring such examples up. So far all i have seen is he causes drama but i cannot confirm nor deny as everything has two sides of the story, and that he has some clans here and there and simply the fact that he has some affiliations to some people which i do not see as an issue. And the whole drama thing, lets be honest, there has been so many stupid arguments on here that such a reasoning can no longer be used.
I will agree with astra on re-applying when you have done the full transitions on your clan such as the name change and such. I do believe he should be given a chance as though the arguement already made, i have actually not seen anything bad.
Also touching on the comment about talking about TK, i would like to state that clans do have its peaks and can fall for bit and then rebound. I am sure it is difficult to manage a brand new clan and even much more so when the gold key had to MIA for a while. Considering he has returned, i would suggest not touching on the subject and allow him to reorganize.
Also touching on the comment about talking about TK, i would like to state that clans do have its peaks and can fall for bit and then rebound. I am sure it is difficult to manage a brand new clan and even much more so when the gold key had to MIA for a while. Considering he has returned, i would suggest not t
Plus, the fact that you didn't feel this way when TAK was dead towards end of 15 beginning of '16. You weren't quick to dismiss us. When I had no help whatsoever to run a clan, the citadel dilapidated and I had 4 active members out of 46 members.
The goal of a community is to claim land and war yes, but it goes beyond that. We fight but we also rely on each other to keep an active community. The Arcane Kingdom offers its help to The Kharazi with whatever they might need.
Yes, i agree with Chris, all efforts must be made to help each other out and leave possible talks of a clan being exited from the community because of inactivity as a final resort once such efforts have been made.
To begin talks about the inactivity of a clan before attempting to help them is honestly an immoral thing to do. With all due respect, but it's a lack of judgement being made before looking at other avenues of actions.
Hey yall, I'm sure almost all of you are aware, but for those of you who aren't, the coronation of Queen Sora, has been canceled for this evening, due to Sora having things going on in real life. The coronation will take place tomorrow at 7PM EST. I'm sorry for any inconvience this may have caused you all, and hope to see you all there.
Cucco Chaser
"He don't look like no cucco chaser to me. Then again, I ain't never met one before."
I rebut your claim that by looking into/possibly denying this guy entry into our world that we are going against the spirit of the community or just trying to be a "community of friends." As it stands we are certainly not all friends, but what we do have in common is we're all dedicated towards making our clans the best pocs out there, and we have a sense of community.
This guy comes from a group like Youyou who just set up "clans" with few real members and try their best to start shit that rarely actually leads to war. Starting fresh only goes so far if you have an established pattern of behavior.. I'm not saying that he is exclusively guilty of this, but it warrants looking into his past and getting an idea of what he really stands for OR temporarily denying him entry until he can prove that his clan will last a month or three. That's not unreasonable and it's not against the spirit of the community.
Sound, do you realize we agree here? We're both skeptical of this dude.
You misunderstood what I meant; I'm not saying that we are a community of friends at all. I'm saying that it's good to have people join us that aren't already familiar with everyone here. As Danny said before me, judging this guy/clan based on his past in w31 is just silly. This is not w31 and problems from there should NOT transfer over here. I understand the skepticism, which is totally reasonable and I never suggested that it wasn't.
All I'm trying to say is that people with tough histories (like yourself) have been given the chance in this community. We can't contradict that now.
Also, what is the worst that can happen if he joins? Would hypothetical drama started by him throw 103 into chaos? No. We simply vote them out if the need arises. (If only The Order was still around maaaaaaan...)
We all benefit from having open minds and trying to understand each other.
At sundown, in a shady spot of the city of Sophanem, the current leaders of the Last Kingdom, led by the Usurper himself, met with the revolutionaries of The Silver Sphinx. There, an alliance was forged between the two groups - a promise to unite against tyranny and corruption, should the situation rise in the future, and a promise to aid one another's growth.
I am happy to announce that LK is now allied with TSS!
Cain Izrail |
JohanCrumpet, I would just reapply when your clan and forum thread are fully set up.
I trust Bowie and the others who know more about World 31 than I ever will, but I do not know you personally, so I would be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, just as long as your clan was active and had a page.
Cain Izrail |