Thanks youyou! Essentially, my clan career has been generally heavily involved in W31 and in other PoCs. The largest POC I personally led was the White Moon Empire with about 60 people and centred in Tirranwn. Afterwards I accepted the Aristrakh Crown. Prior to this I was effective co-rulerof the Kingdom of France, which at its peak had around 175 members, although this may be best known to you by it's first name, the Imperial Runescape Empire. I was a contributor to a number of large inter-world coalitions such at the White Crusade. I established the Kazans as a POC and served as Foreign Minister for said clan.
My role as leader of the Aristrakh Empire began after the split which saw members like Msr. Dupuis found the Providence Empire. I helped the empire rebound from a membership below ten to around 60, when personal issues and changing clan landscape led to it's decline. It was initially founded as a venture between various veteran clan leaders in response to the decline of TRE as a relative influence, and at a point had I've 200 members.
This is a brief summary of my past as a POCer. I've done other things. I was heavily involved in the partition of world 27 and 45 and fought Egypt of Bourgoyne as well as the Shadow Knights, aligning myself against EoZ in the stand offs that ensued there. But these are my main contributions and I hope this provides a clearer picture of my intentions.
I do admittedly have a history of one to two month clans of 10-15 members, but I have been involved in a number of successful projects and with luck and good will this shall be another.
11-Aug-2016 21:54:36