Kingdom of Isadarin and Noxioius Gladiators Land trade agreement
*KOI agrees to trade:
Arandar pass and Gnome stronghold for Isafdar and undergroundpass
*NXG agrees to trade:
Isafdar and underground pass for Arandar pass and Gnome stronghold
*Pending NXG approval we will be moving capital from Gnome Strong hold to Isafdar as well as releasing Eagles Peak so as to not cause any holes.
Signed By KOI
rince 3randon the Grey, of house Thorel,first of his name, Hand of the Queen, Heir to the Isadarin Throne, Keeper of peace, and last of the Ithilien
Signed by NXG:
Learn to use logic and reason, it will serve you better than Pride or Vanity
To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.