" If i were the king of the Kingdom of Isadarin "
I would "gift" the land of Prifddinas to N.X.G , then after giving away the land i would carefully draft a peace process with Zaire which would include paying a non-aggression tax to N.X.G by monthly gold transfer , this would ensure "peace" in our time in world 103 and would pave the way for a growing community spirit.
Even though i am of true Royal Bloodline from the original Empire of Prifddinas which is now the Kingdom of Isadarin, it is most unfortunate for the citizens of my old kingdom that i am not on the throne and taking care of my loyal subjects , so it is with regret that i expect N.X.G to impose a crushing defeat on my old kingdom and take by force the fertile land of Prifddinas.
I plead with the noble and chivalrous Zaire to show clemency with the defeated survivors of Isadarin , they are my children after all .