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Damion Avah
Dec Member 2014

Damion Avah

Posts: 583 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would also like to note i have no ill will towards anyone and would like to make it clear that i am NOT taking sides here, but i honestly do feel this is going beyond what it must. I know i'm not directly involved with any of this what so ever, but when it becomes a constant thing that is seen with back and forth bickering about it in front of everyone, it does start involving everyone else.

Edit: also i do agree with you astra that the fact that KOI declaring on NXG mere moments after the war shouldn't be used as an excuse, but it did push them into doing it earlier more than likely. What ever the case may be, i feel the conversation should be moved strictly between KOI and NXG and attempt to sort things among yourselves. And to those outside of those clans, probably best to try to stay out of it as its between them only, or things may end up blowing up further than what it originally was, or even agitate things, i guess what i'm saying is just be civil. Just my 2 cents
~~† Emperor of the The Menaphite Empire †~~

~~~Search for the laws of harmony, and you will find knowledge~~~


22-Jul-2016 00:57:03 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2016 01:05:51 by Damion Avah

Mar Member 2020


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Please understand that we are not targeting KOI, we are targeting a piece of land.

We did briefly talk to Brandon about why the land trade can't happen (I have screenshots if you like). I'm sorry we didn't communicate as ideally as you'd have liked, we're all having hectic things going on in our lives--and I'm sure you do, too. It wasn't that it'd make a hole in KOI's territory; it was because it would make a hole in NxG's .

I have yet to argue with anyone here about this, and I intend to remain doing just that. Please contact me on Discord soon to schedule a date with us. As I said before, we're letting you decide, should you want to!

Thank you for your understanding,

22-Jul-2016 05:08:26

Cairo Saepio

Cairo Saepio

Posts: 2,616 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Danny honestly said exactly what I would have said on the matter. "Continuously being bullied" is quite a bit extreme. They warred you twice in a row. That's like TAK complaining when IOS warred them 3 times in a row because we were almost evenly matched. They are imaginary land claims in an online game. If you are going to say that you're being bullied because of two imaginary wars, you really should reconsider being in this community. It's a game, it's not like NXG is walking up and punching your first born child and then stealing your wife. Just let it play out because right now, it doesn't look like you're being targeted at all. If it continues, obviously we will speak about that.

However, I would not try to compare NXG to Boss School again in the future because I don't think that will sit well with anyone.

Also before you say it, yes TAK and KASH and the other clans aren't involved, but at this point it's another drama between KOI and NXG that the rest of the community doesn't really think should be drama at all.

PS. leave Epic out of this. Suggesting he is biased towards NXG is a whole can of worms that I really don't think it would be wise to open. Especially with how much he sticks up for you Astra and how neutral he has been.
Cairo Saepio
Priest of Saradomin

22-Jul-2016 13:44:30 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2016 13:46:09 by Cairo Saepio

Cucco Chaser
Dec Member 2008

Cucco Chaser

Posts: 2,761 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rnoy closes up shop, having run out of stock for the day. Should be able to purchase and fill a water tower for all these troll tears.

Now then... I like to stay outta things... until my opinion makes me do otherwise... lol I'm not going to take sides, I don't do that. But I am going to point out... That since KoV joined the W103 Community ((the ghost that KoV is within the community)) I have noticed something.

A majority of the wars that have been declared... have been controversial. Why this is when warring is an option to obtain lands, is beyond me. But my personal opinon on the matter would be... If it's there.. use it... Yall put it there to do so, and I'm sure yall did so cuz it was a fun ole idea, that every kind of ancient and modern civilization has used, to obtain land.

Now, don't get me wrong.. I'm sure that any civilization that has recieved a war declaration has looked at the parchment and the initial reaction would be.... "OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII----" But those are usually the lucky ones... as many don't even get that before their foes are at their gates saying "Hey... Can you come out to play... with death?!"

So all I'm saying I guess is... Yall have warring in the system... so why question it dang near every time someone wars... Wars are controversal... Even IRL... do ya question it? Hell yes. Does a bunch of diploments sit around a fancy round table bickering about it? ((not sure if the round table is a thing, nice concept)) But the general idea, yes. But in the end... War is war. And if you have the balls to declare... you have the balls to fight it.. right?
Cucco Chaser

"He don't look like no cucco chaser to me. Then again, I ain't never met one before."

22-Jul-2016 15:52:25

Tenebrae Eon
Jul Member 2023

Tenebrae Eon

Posts: 220 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In comparison of NXG and Boss School, the difference is intent. From what I can see, NXG was going after Priff, any further wars after that would serve as red flags. Boss School wanted to War for their lands, and chose a spot where NXG was their only target. Which was fine at first, but when EOA gave them a port city, and their options where anyone, they targeted NXG again, THAT is when the community stepped in. Further more... Boss School was brought in by EOA, so I have little sympathy for their tactic used against them. After the war for Priff, I would suggest NXG to look elsewhere, or risk looking like Boss School, as Astra stated.

Just my insight, take it as you will.

PS. from my understanding, Boss School was brought in by Paco, who is no longer in KOI. Still, the difference is intent.
For the
to thrive, the

22-Jul-2016 16:16:27



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
=+= Land Claim =+=
Clan: Kingdom of Lali
Land: My happy place inside the sanity deprived recesses of my psyche
Access to Land: Activating my stand "

Also profiled :D

King of all things that go BOOM.

22-Jul-2016 17:19:45 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2016 17:23:21 by Lali

Tenebrae Eon
Jul Member 2023

Tenebrae Eon

Posts: 220 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
On to other business some land updates:

Overlooked Lands:
Tutorial Island
Sliske's Encampment
Mahjarrat Ritual Site
Desert Penis Peninsula (add to Desert Quarry?)
Edgeville Monastery
Ice Troll Lands (in Fremenik Isles)
Camel Warrior Island
Mammoth Iceberg
Mogre Camp
Pit of Trials
Nemi Forest

New Lands:
Behind the scenes
Whale's Maw

Renames: (To get rid of "and/&" )
Monastery -> Ardougne Monastery (to avoid confusion?)
Agility Pyramid -> Jaleustrophos Pyramid (either is fine)
Hemenster and Fishing Guild -> Hemester (more on this in a bit)
Lumber Yard & Jolly Boar Inn -> Lumberyard
Port & Camp Tyras -> Tryas Encampment (or split?)
Tree Gnome Village/Battlefield -> Tree Gnome Village (Split the battle field between Treegnome Village and Ardgoune at the river)
Duel Arena and Mage Training Arena -> Al Kharid Arenas or Kharidian Arenas?
Sorcerer's Tower and Legends' Guild -> (I have no idea...)
Temple Salve/Silvarea -> Paterdomus
East Ardounge/West Ardounge -> Ardounge (Looking at the comparison I made to split it, Darkmeyer and Meiyerditch have the wall the same, but also have distinctly different names)
Quarry and Pyramid -> Desert Quarry (split?) Jaldraocht Pyramid
Uzer and Dominion Tower -> Uzer (have it reach to the river?)
Necromancer & Tower of Life -> Ardgoune Towers?
I will have to look over the entire wilderness...

Question: Since we can make guilds now, should they be their own claim at all?
Sorcerer's Tower and Legends' Guild -> ?
Ranging Guild -> Hemester

Dungeon update:
Polypore Dungeon
Heart of Gielinor
Monastery of Ascension
For the
to thrive, the

22-Jul-2016 17:23:44 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2016 17:35:02 by Tenebrae Eon

Tenebrae Eon
Jul Member 2023

Tenebrae Eon

Posts: 220 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mechanic idea:
Since divine energy is so rare, perhaps we can take tiers into account?
ex: Each tier gives 1 energy, or each tier gives .5 energy (rounded up)

Land trade routes: To claim a land, you need to get to it, but what is you can't get back?
My idea is to say that you would not be able to collect resources from a land that you can not get to your capital.
Edit: Perhaps clans can charge a toll to go through their lands?

Edit: Have places that give you new magic some rune resources?
Jaldraocht Pyramid
Lunar Island

Menaphos (Until we can step foot on it)
Edit: or add in Arposandra?

Make The Runespan a planar port in the like of the Abyss, through The Great Orb Project, which is in the Runecrafting guild, which in turn is in The Runespan, you can get to all the runecrafting alters like the Abyss (Which is 2-way apparently...)
For the
to thrive, the

22-Jul-2016 17:28:14 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2016 18:40:09 by Tenebrae Eon

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