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The Gud Kang

The Gud Kang

Posts: 14,154 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

King Lathas Ardignas, the longest reigning monarch in Adougnian history, was found dead at 7:36 a.m. this morning in his royal chambers. Though King Lathas was of advanced age, the royal palace is calling his sudden death foul play. The finger has been pointed at the Kingdom of Isafdar, who has had recurring conflicts with the realm of Ardougne. The death comes after terror attacks in Priffddinas which Isafdar is implicated in, as well as a war for the Seers Village and Camelot.

King Lathas' only surviving son, Thoros Ardignas, has been crowned the next King of the Kingdom of Ardougne. Thoros would be the first King of Ardougne to have formally been a member of its quasi-state Teutonic order, the Noxious Gladiators. This ascension to the throne can only be viewed as an expansion of their influence on government affairs.

King Lathas is distinguished for having the longest reign in history (56 years), and for numerous conflicts with the various elven Kingdoms including the Elves of Arandar, the Kingdom of Isadarin, and now the Kingdom of Isafdar. It was during his reign that Priffddinas was annexed into the Kingdom, adding a third ethnic group to the Kingdom's makeup after the Gnomes. Later in life, King Lathas also sidelined the Noxious Gladiators from the affairs of his government.

He will be missed. Saradomin be with you, King Thoros. May you live long and propser.

15-Nov-2016 00:49:29

The Gud Kang

The Gud Kang

Posts: 14,154 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Disclaimer: This is lore history that, like the previous one, mixes "real events" with fiction. Read at your own risk.

Military History: Ardougne Versus the Elves

It is well known that the Kingdom of Ardougne has been at near constant conflict with the Elves since the end of King Tyras' reign, but the reason is not as clearly understood.

The Elves and Ardougne have interacted for generations, and it was not always acrimonious. Even when the Elves were tribal, their ways were more advanced than ours. They taught us many useful skills such as crop rotations, and more advanced forms of medicine. The problem was when they taught the Ogres magic.

After the Noxious Gladiators were established and the Ogres subjugated, the Kingdom set its sights on the Elves of Arandar. Though they may not have intended to become an existential threat to Ardougne, their policy of helping all species had to be put to an end. This was a first test for the Gladiators in leading military units, and the gamble paid off.

The Elves amassed an army of around 17,000 on the slopes of Arandar, hoping to use their knowledge of the terrain to their advantage. They were led in battle by warpriest Rezoziel of the Cala'dai clan. Elven rangers and units from every tribe were represented, a rare showing of unity for the Elven tribes of the day. Ardougne's army was led by Imperator SpearsZ and Legatus Zaire. It numbered roughly 11,000 including Gladiators, Ardougne heavy infantry, light infranty, Paladins, and regulars. Both sides met at the planes of Ardougne for negotiations and rest, with three days passing before battle took place.

17-Nov-2016 02:57:55 - Last edited on 17-Nov-2016 02:58:49 by The Gud Kang

The Gud Kang

The Gud Kang

Posts: 14,154 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ardougne Versus the Elves Cont

Though numerically superior, the Elves of Arandar were at a distinct disadvantage for two key reasons: their societies' tribal nature, and inauspicious weather.

Though the defenders of Arandar Pass numbered close to 20,000, they were really fragments of different regions combined into one. Represented were the leading Cala'dai clan, their chief rivals, the Thorel clan, the mighty Spench clan, and several lesser clans with shifting loyalties. Because the Cala'dai were native to Priffddinas, they had difficulty corralling units from the other regions of Tirranwinn. This meant that the average infantry unit was hard to gauge: He could be armed to the tooth with crystal, or have merely a spear and some cloth.

This also led to disparities in training. The Cala'dai and their allies in Priffddinas were as well trained as any unit from Ardougne, but the units from the Poison Wastes region were sarcely more organized than a New Years' mob. Though nominally completely commanded by Warpriest Rezoziel, local commanders had greater control over local units, and they did not always coordinate.

Secondly, the weather. A torrential downpour befell southern Arandar during the days leading up to the battle, and mudslides were a frequent occurrence. This partially eroded the Elves' strategic advantage, as a particularly large mudslide forced them to move closer to the plain.

Upon hearing the Elven troops approaching, the Ardougnian military quickly mobilized, thinking attack imminent. A pitched battle emerged on the slopes of Arandar, where the better trained and better equipped Ardougne military slowly drove the elves up the pass. Eventually a mudslide boxed them in, killing Rezoziel. The cowardly Hefin clan were the first to break rank, and in the ensuing chaos the army was decimated.

The tragic defeat of the Elven confederacy led to good feelings back home, and upheavel in Tirrannwin.


17-Nov-2016 03:13:05



Posts: 475 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

A well written piece of fiction ,

You can kill the true royal and king Rezoziel in Lore , but you can not kill his idea's or
his loyal followers,

Notice that the K.O.I has fragmented without my leadership

17-Nov-2016 04:21:03



Posts: 332 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Campo would walk through the ever-growing Ardougnian camp, watching the formidable host gather, setup tents, sharpen their swords, string and restring their bows, tend to their staves, hone their fighting technique, practice their marksmanship.

This sight never gets old , he would think to himself. The quiet preparation before the blood-filled storm . Campo would stop occasionally and exchange small talk with some of the gathered host, asking them about their families, their lives, getting to know them; now the Magus of War for the Gladiators, Campo felt he had a responsibility to know the men he was partially in charge of - the men whose lives were in his hands.

This, of course, was no new happening for the newly appointed Magus. Having been born into the once great warring kingdom stemming from Varrock, before travelling to the island conquerors of Ashdale, where he led their military for some time, and saw battle met more than once. He was no stranger to victory, either, having imposed fear on his enemies on two occasions to force a surrender, seeing Catherby returned to Ashdalian rule and Ape Atoll abandoned by the wolves that Campo hated so much. Damn wolves , he would snarl to himself quietly. But even when his foes did not surrender, he had orchestrated the downfall of the kingdom he was born into on the battlefield, seizing from them Draynor Manor. There was also the naval invasion of Daemonheim, where Campo led a rout of the now gone Last Kingdom, fleeing to merge with a stronger, more formidable ally in the Arcane Kingdom to form what is now the Last Arcane Kingdom.

Now, Campo was here. Fighting for the glory of the Ardougne, and for the glory of the Gladiators. Proudly part of what he believes to be the greatest fighting force in the land. A force not only of elite combat skill, but of camaraderie and brotherhood. Despite being new here, he could not help but trust each and every man gathered with his life.
Kingdom of Ashdale

18-Nov-2016 20:12:32



Posts: 332 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It feels good to be going to war again, albeit for a different master. By now, Campo had reached the edge of the camp, and walked over to a couple of the sentries who were laughing and joking to one another. Upon noticing his arrival, they snapped to attention. "At ease, watchmen", the Magus would calmly say. He would then stand for a few minutes, talking to them, taking an interest in their lives as he did some of the soldiers in the camp.

After he had finished with his idle chit-chat with the watchmen, he would go yet further, going away from the camp, to where he could see their intended prize. Seers Village , he thought, despite our gathering host, it still looks so tranquil and calm, almost as if they don't know what is going to happen soon. Brave bastards.

The Magus would sit down on a mound of grass, and look towards Seers until the sun would start to set, reflecting on his journey up to this point, how he became a gladiator, and also pondering what is to come in the impending clash of armies. Campo was to face his first test as a Magus, and he was as equally determined as any man gathered for this battle, if not more so, to rain death down upon their foes. The elves may have avoided combat with him when he led Ashdale's armies, but now they were right where he wanted them, opposite him, preparing for battle just like himself, and he was determined to shed elven blood...
Kingdom of Ashdale

18-Nov-2016 20:12:48 - Last edited on 18-Nov-2016 20:20:30 by Campo

Travis Thorn

Travis Thorn

Posts: 751 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Travis finds himself standing alone atop one of the highest ramparts of Castle Camelot. It is a cold and windy night. I do not particularly like this castle. It is too hard, and cold, and stoic. It lacks the natural beauty of the forests of Tirannwn, the life and vigour. Nothing like the beautiful sung sculptures and buildings of his people, the elves.

He would look down and see the bustle of activity. He would notice the elves, harmonizing their weapons and practicing their aim. See the warriors from Relleka sharpening their axes, hungry for battle. He would notice the knights of Camelot sparring in the courtyard, ready to defend their homeland. Finally he would notice the people of Seers village. They are farmers not fighters, but all are willing to die to defend their lands. Many would find this an odd combination of races and peoples, but I see more. As he looks down, Travis see's unity and cooperation. Many think the Kingdom of Isafdar to be a fractured kingdom, but we have never been more united. They may not all have been his people at first, but when their King of the North left, Queen Arya did not abandon them. They were his to defend and he would be honoured to fight along side them.

Looking out to the horizon Travis notices the sun begin to poke its head out, signaling a new day, a bloody day. Travis thinks of his enemy, the Noxious Gladiators. Long have we been rivals and shed each others blood. They are strong and relentless, a worthy enemy. Seren teaches us of peace and pacifism, but how can we stand by as war mongers ravage the land, killing our people. I will defeat this enemy and any who come after. Perhaps when our enemies lay at our feet Seren will have her peace, and Arya her empire. Our enemies think her a tyrant, but her people love her and would die for her.

Horns sound in the distance, it is time. Turning his back on the distant landscape Travis begins to make his way back to camp. It is time to prepare for battle.
Sir Travis 2
Grand Elder and Leader of the
Kingdom of Isafdar

19-Nov-2016 05:15:54



Posts: 332 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dawn approached, and Magus Campo was already awake, donning his armour, checking his weapons, ensuring he was fully prepared for today's bloodshed. Soon the warhorns would ring throughout the camp to signal for everybody to come to arms, form ranks, and prepare to butcher the enemy in the name of the new King of Ardougne, and to avenge the slain king Lathas.

By the time Campo was ready, the sun was rising, and it was time for him to proceed to the centre of the camp for the final war council before battle commenced. Marching at a brisk pace, he would have taken no more than twenty steps before the camp would burst into life. At first one, distant horn went off, then another, and soon a chorus of horns were sounding throughout the camp and men rushed out of their tents, some still half-asleep and operating out of pure instinct while their bodies caught up with them. The audible sound of metal clunking together would be heard everywhere as the gathered host put on their armour, sheathed their swords, clutched tight their shields.

Those that were awake enough, and paying sufficient attention, would snap to attention as the Magus briskly swept past them, with a respectful acknowledgement of "Magus", however Campo was too focussed on reaching the tent setup as the war room in time to pay them much more heed than a simple, yet courteous, nod.

Arriving at the tent situated in the heart of the camp, the guards outside would stand to the sides of the entrance, standing to attention, allowing the Magus to swiftly enter inside, and the final discussions ahead of the conclusion of the siege of Seers Village would ensue...

Sometime passed as plans were finalised, and the relevant people briefed, but eventually, those inside did emerge. Let's hope this works , Campo would think to himself. He would ponder this for a few moments before scolding himself, of course it will work, we're gladiators, we do not lose!
Kingdom of Ashdale

19-Nov-2016 17:42:56 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2016 17:43:15 by Campo



Posts: 332 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
By now, the camp was almost desolate, only a few men here and there still running around - mostly squires fetching items for their knightly masters - everyone else had formed ranks in their relevant sections ready for combat, each and every man focussed on the task to come. It would not be immediate, but today was definitely the day, and every single person knew it.

Campo would head to the host now formed impressively on this cold morning. A light frost had coated the ground overnight, hardening the ground. A cold breeze would sweep through the air, and a few coughs here and there would be heard throughout the ranks. "I guess some folks can't hack a chill", the Magus would whisper to himself. Having been on plenty enough boats and having grown accustomed to an ocean breeze, Magus Campo was no stranger to the cold, much to his own relief. That said, he definitely preferred the warmer climates. Maybe I'll get lucky and the new king will want to conquer Karamja... Of course, this wish was solely for the climate, and definitely not the rum. After all, the Magus was a professional.

Approaching the front of the battle line, Campo could not help but notice how the rays from the rising sun would catch the carefully looked after shields, providing a dazzling shine for those whose eyes caught sight of it. Maybe that alone will win us this battle , he would joke to himself before letting out a quiet chuckle.

With the joke out of the way, Campo focussed himself. The time had come to make ready for battle. The combined forces of Ardougne and the Gladiators had gathered. Men depended on the Magus and the other leaders today. Their families depended on them; Ardougne depended on them. Today history would once again be made. Seers would be liberated, brought under more benevolent and far wiser rulership.

One thought and one thought alone ran through Magus Campo's mind...

Let battle commence, and may the best army win...
Kingdom of Ashdale

19-Nov-2016 17:43:01 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2016 17:59:44 by Campo

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