Ardougne Versus the Elves Cont
Though numerically superior, the Elves of Arandar were at a distinct disadvantage for two key reasons: their societies' tribal nature, and inauspicious weather.
Though the defenders of Arandar Pass numbered close to 20,000, they were really fragments of different regions combined into one. Represented were the leading Cala'dai clan, their chief rivals, the Thorel clan, the mighty Spench clan, and several lesser clans with shifting loyalties. Because the Cala'dai were native to Priffddinas, they had difficulty corralling units from the other regions of Tirranwinn. This meant that the average infantry unit was hard to gauge: He could be armed to the tooth with crystal, or have merely a spear and some cloth.
This also led to disparities in training. The Cala'dai and their allies in Priffddinas were as well trained as any unit from Ardougne, but the units from the Poison Wastes region were sarcely more organized than a New Years' mob. Though nominally completely commanded by Warpriest Rezoziel, local commanders had greater control over local units, and they did not always coordinate.
Secondly, the weather. A torrential downpour befell southern Arandar during the days leading up to the battle, and mudslides were a frequent occurrence. This partially eroded the Elves' strategic advantage, as a particularly large mudslide forced them to move closer to the plain.
Upon hearing the Elven troops approaching, the Ardougnian military quickly mobilized, thinking attack imminent. A pitched battle emerged on the slopes of Arandar, where the better trained and better equipped Ardougne military slowly drove the elves up the pass. Eventually a mudslide boxed them in, killing Rezoziel. The cowardly Hefin clan were the first to break rank, and in the ensuing chaos the army was decimated.
The tragic defeat of the Elven confederacy led to good feelings back home, and upheavel in Tirrannwin.
17-Nov-2016 03:13:05