Unfortunately my vote does not coincide with the HZE on this point. Although the clans may be in a Union with one another. I believe each should have their own say. Burg did express that we have full override, and it was a condition we accepted when joining. But i understand for certain matters we must speak for ourselves.
Proposal Title: Voting Revision
Date Proposed: 9/11/2014
Proposer: Cuyler
Status: Voting in session.
1. All clans and individual claimers must apply as themselves, not on behalf of anyone else.
2. All clans and individuals must wait a one week probation period before being allowed to vote or participate in open discussion at Community meetings.
3. Unions may not vote on behalf of those clans or individuals within.
4. Clans may not vote on behalf of other individuals.
5. Individuals may not vote on behalf of other individuals.
6. One must express their opinion on the topic prior to voting.
7. Non-members will not be allowed to claim land or participate in meetings or poll voting. Lands will be revoked if inactive and they do obtain membership within a month.
* Discussion is free.
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Vote: 9-4
- Kingdom of Ashdale (2)
- White Knights (2)
- Lex Legacy (2)
- Michi Lex (1)
- Tahmid 1100 (1)
- AncientOrder/BlackBone (1)
- Kingdom of Zaros (2)
- Empire of Priffddinas (2)
12-Sep-2014 00:08:59
- Last edited on
12-Sep-2014 00:09:42