I would like to start with giving you my apologies for invading this thread.
I have have a question and don't know when I'll be able to contact either of you.
The fc thread doesn't seem the right place to put it, so that's why I am taking it here.
Have you got an idea on what behaviour a rank (smiley and up) should and/or can be expected in the fc?
I am asking because ranks are "the face" of the fc.
As Kvalingmar already pointed out in an earlier post in the fc thread
Negative publicity travels faster thn positive publicity.
And tends to stick around a lot longer aswell.
Today I experienced rudeness and negativity in words and behaviour from a rank in the gop fc and ingame.
There were (at least) 2 newcomers who had to endure all of this.
Upto the point that the rank was obstructing the teaching in newcomers second game, by starting to repel their orbs.
While keeping in mind that everyone has got an off day every once in a while....
(and hoping that this was the case here.
Although I seriously doubt it was a one time only.
And note to self, I should learn to take screenies...as I witnessed this person giving a shaded story on what exactly happend to someone else already.
Back to finishing my sentence again

... has got an off day every once in a while,
the question rose within me if you have given it any thought about what behaviour should and/or can be expected (or would like to see) from a rank in a help and teaching fc like this one.
Or... basically the same question but put differently....
What behaviour you would like NOT to see.
I am not expecting an answer really, just hope you have a view on what behaviour you would like to see from the ones with a rank.
I think it will come in handy when handing out ranks.
And last but not least...
I do hope that the 2 of you are doing well and can't thank you enough for all the work you do to keep the fc up and running.