On top of these things, a Highscores, for each Altar, would be really nice. (ideally, there'd be one for each team configuration, and each playstyle, with lifetime averages kept for all of them - as the community groups have done, but I realise that's asking too much, even in the context of a complete overhaul, as suggested in these posts).
The Drop-tables will balance fairly well for F2P, too, given that most of the F2P items will be in the lower tables, and it'll be impossible to even access the higher tables in F2P, due to having fewer altars.
The bonus for winning altars/rounds may need to be reduced a little, as the full 13% for winning all, may lead to some manipulation (though it wouldn't give *much* of an advantage, given you have to be skilled to score high, and access the top tables, and you will get *some* of that bonus by playing competitively, so it isn't a 13% difference between win all, and lose some); it's more of a small bonus for playing in a larger group, rather than solo.
What's more, the people who lose, can still get good access to rewards, when they play well, so there will be less incentive for fixed games, in the first place (even before you take into acount the minimal gain for doing so, and the fact you have to perform just as well, anyway, in order to access top droptables).
Although not entirely necessary, there could be a mechanic whereby anyone who dc's, will get access to the drop-tables unlocked by the score at the point of their dc' (up to the last completed altar), with the number of rolls also determined by that score.
It's difficult to balance being fair to dc'ers, while preventing people from rq'ing on teams, without it costing them anything, but I think that this could be a reasonable solution, if any measures are required.
16-Oct-2018 01:14:41