Now, Trimming is already fast enough (the Minigame part is something like 8x faster than it was, at its hardest - it was changed from the cape, to profound armour, and that was halved, and then thaler reduced it even more, especially if only playing CastleWars, and only during the CWs spotlight; enhancers, and double point days, also reduce it), making it faster would just be ridiculous (especially as thaler is gained passively) - people wouldn't even have to spend enough time in any Minigames to figure out how they actually work, let alone develop a liking to any particular Minigame.
..and this is where the issue lies.. JAGEX will never increase the effort/time it takes to get that part of Trim. The best solution would be to increase the cost of Profound (and other thaler items), but make it so that thaler could be gained faster through participation; however, they veer strongly away from that concept, and would only go for making it even easier to get.
In that scenario, there would have to be rewards that would take a substantial amount of time to obtain, from individual Minigames (each only obtainable from one Minigame), to make up for any deficit in time spent in them.
It's the same basic argument against making rewards cheaper - you're reducing the amount of time people spend being rewarded in the content, to below that which is required for them to grasp how the game really works, what it's really about, and to fully form an opinion over whether they like it or not; this is especially so, when it's not guaranteed that they'll even experience playing, in most of their games (currently, even for Minigames which have their own, unique rewards, that can't be bought through thaler, most will obtain all of them, and pass out of the content before they've ever experienced actually using it, so they either have no idea whether they like it, or they dislike it due to the wasted/boring AFK-time; they have no reason to ever return, and will spread bad word about it).
16-Aug-2018 03:58:23