Astromancer has a log.
Sentient lighgning can presumably be sentient anywhere tzhere is charge.. Idk..
Parasites may be used by Airut, for food.. in that way Tuska uses them to fuel her security system.
We are judging the Astromancer's etuics based upon our own World's, not one from which other creatures are genuinely dangerous and hostile (thus selectively promoting uncaring anddefensive traits); one with great lack of knowledge, and with poor ways to collate and teach that knowledge, when it
discovered (along with many more ways in which that knowledge can be lossed); where there are very powerful and controlling beings, who set up as deitific, and where all organisations of learning and power follow their jealous and confident example.
You also seem to forget that a lot of the knowledge you so proudly tout about having access to, and having known, comes almost entirely from far more suocking and wrong methods, even in times when we've known far better than anyone on RuneScape could possibly have the chance to know, exactly how wrong it is..
If you took away all knowledge you've gained through such methods, then you'd know far less than they did.. they may have other possibilities open to them, but cannot see them, know about them, or know they are better (or even have the ability to care whether they are better), with out the enormous, astronomical, benifit and privilaged advantage of moral knowledge hind-sight... stuff we'd never even have, without having gone through a similar process..
They are actually thinking far in advance of what we were thinking at similar stages, even when we had the enormous advantage of lack of inbuilt preassures to prevent it, and lack of life-experience preassures, or disruption of knowledge..
You need to be fairer in understanding that they cannot possibly know things and how to do them, without trying certain things, and can't get to the point where morality is selected for, without having
04-Jun-2015 12:38:31