The men entered the wilderness.
Just days after being there, Xul and some of the previous company were back. Madness? Some would say. This time, however, the party was accompanied by Elder Wenu, Dalton, and grand steward Alphachan, aswell as warrior elves trained in the forests of Isafdar. What made the force traveling north even stronger, was the company of war priests and other important figures from The Aegis of Saradomin.
The company traveled, but what were they traveling to? Their own death? A supposed leader of the undead army? It seemed like a suicide mission, but it was too late to turn now.
Approaching the Dark Knights Fortress the group hesitated. They heard sounds coming around them, and drew their weapons. It was odd, Xul thought, because he could see nothing extraordinary, and the temperature had remained the same.
The sound had come from members from the Kingdom of Varrock. Xul quickly recognized their faces, as many of them had been at Daemonheim, and he had also fought against some of them on the battlefield. This night they were joining swords.
The group had a brief conversation before the journey continued deeper into the wild.
It did not take long before the bitter cold from days before came again. And then it was there. The army of the undead. Wights, skeletons, their forces were huge.
All of the men drew their swords, staves and bows.
The battle was a bloody one. Men died, men cried and the forces of the evil never seemed to stop. All of a sudden Alphachan was yelling at the forces, saying to focus their attack on a being, a human or the Gods-know what that had been spotted on a cliff nearby.
With great effort they made their way there, and begun the battle against what they believed was the overmind of the evil forces.
The battle was going well, but then the evil forces intensified their aggression towards the group. More and more of the good forces were overrun by the evil, and it appeared that the battle was going to end in utter
Ok good luck
21-Aug-2017 23:18:51
- Last edited on
21-Aug-2017 23:38:07