We must free our homelands from the hands of the undergods and their zealots while the Elders still sleep! Make way for a new beginning of our realm! Join us as allies to take back the lands for Mankind!!
Let it be known throughout the lands of Gielinor, we are returning from the exile across the Eastern Sea!
I, Kid Arthur the long lost Bastard son of King Arthur, alongside my Queen Lorry Rayne and the Knights of The Round Table, have procured passage to the mainland. We are following the compass by day and Zanaris by night!
We reach out to Clans of the world, holding the white banner of peace in hope of safe passage to our homeland in the west to rid it of invaders. Those that shall oppose will be... well let us just say...
This is our Destiny, PREPARE YOURSELF!!
Kid Arthur
and the
Knights of The Round Table