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Quick find code: 90-91-518-65861682



Posts: 2,530 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry for being so late to post.

=+=Land Claim =+=
Clan: The Fremennik Tribes
Land: V's Island [1W, 1F]
Access to Land: By sea, disembarking on the Njord from Rellekka

The religious leaders of Rellekka have organized an expedition to V's Island, a spiritually significant place among the Fremennik peoples who hold V as being their patron god. Planning for a monument on the Island, to be situated near V's shrine, is underway. Construction should begin soon.

We'd like to build a watchtower (-30 Ore) on Neitiznot, and we would also build a bank (-100k, -20 of each resource).

=+=The Fremennik Tribes =+=
• Treasury:
| 112K/wk [13/20]
Max: 200k
| Upkeep 5K/wk |
• Income:
, 34O, 5X,
, 1E, 2R
• Storehouse:
36W, 0O, 33X, 22F, 2E, 0R
[Level 4]
• - Fremennik Hunting Grounds (Capital)
• - Mountain Camp
• - Rellekka [M,T, W]
• - Jatizso [G,W]
• - Lunar Island [M,G]
• - Lighthouse (Vestrbjarg)
• - Miscellania
• - Etceteria
• - Neitiznot
• - Barbarian Outpost
• - Fremennik Isles Tundra
• - Botany Bay
• - Waterbirth Island
• - V's Island
The Fremennik Tribes
Be water, my friend.

30-Apr-2017 05:20:58

Travis Thorn

Travis Thorn

Posts: 751 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
=+=Land Claim =+=
Clan: The Kingdom of Isafdar
Land: Burthorpe
Access to Land: Taverley

Moving north from Taverley the Grand Elder's retinue enters Burthorpe. There they meet with the garrison commander and his officers. In exchange for the kingdoms continued support and defense against the trolls of the north, the soldiers and townsfolk in Burthorpe would join the kingdom. As new elven flags are flown over the town, many stop and wonder how far the elves will venture..
Sir Travis 2
Grand Elder and Leader of the
Kingdom of Isafdar

05-May-2017 04:59:51

Damion Avah
Dec Member 2014

Damion Avah

Posts: 583 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Pyramid to the north



So it begins, the blazing heat of the desert sun was beating down on the purple robes of the high priest of Zaros – Yami Eternal. He and several disciples started their journey from the northern gates of Menaphos and headed north towards the Jaldraocht Pyramid. It was the former prison of Azzanadra who was previously split into four diamonds by Zamorakian forces. Such a place would be a perfect temple for Yami to dedicate to the empty lord Zaros.
His claim to the pyramid and dedicate it to Zaros came with much controversy though. Most of the Menaphites where against it for they only believed in the Menaphite Pantheon and would rather have the pyramid destroyed or convert it in the name of Tumeken. Ridley of course worked to calm the people of her new claimed land and promised them that the Menaphite gods will be restored in most of the region and to simply allow both to live in harmony.


~~† Emperor of the The Menaphite Empire †~~

~~~Search for the laws of harmony, and you will find knowledge~~~


05-May-2017 15:17:32

Damion Avah
Dec Member 2014

Damion Avah

Posts: 583 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Menaphite Pantheon



With her typical devilish smile, she spoke from the steps of the grand pyramid in the center of the city.

“My people of Menaphos, High priest of Zaros Yami Eternal is no threat. They who wish to follow the empty lord may do so in peace and will have their place of worship! But I assure you, I will restore the Menaphite pantheon to its former glory! In the name of Tumeken the god of light, Elidinis goddess of fertility, Ichthlarin god of the Underworld and Amascut goddess of rebirth, Menaphos and the Khadarian Desert will enter a golden age!”

The crowd roared in cheers and so Yami Eternal was allowed safe passage to the Jaldraocht Pyramid.

“Pah! Even the menaphite gods were unable to fight against the empty lords forces. Who is Ridley to think that both can live in harmony?!”

He gripped his zarosian staff and stabbed it into the sand.

“The desert belongs to Zaros as it always has! History will simply repeat itself and the menaphite gods will simply succumb to the empty lords power for he is the one true god!.”

He would then retrieve his staff and continue his journey through the blistering desert.


~~† Emperor of the The Menaphite Empire †~~

~~~Search for the laws of harmony, and you will find knowledge~~~


05-May-2017 15:18:06 - Last edited on 05-May-2017 15:20:25 by Damion Avah

Damion Avah
Dec Member 2014

Damion Avah

Posts: 583 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Temple of Zaros



As the Zarosian caravan got closer, the pyramid began to appear in the horizon over the sand dunes. Yami was the first at is steps as he removed a banner from one of the bags and planted it at the steps of the grand pyramid. The banner contained the symbols and colors of the Wushanko Empire but the border embellished with zarosian emblems.

“In the name of the empire and of the empty lord, I Yami Eternal claim this sacred placed of the Jaldraocht Pyramid. May it prosper under my watch and may it be restored in the name Zaros and of the empire.”

He began his way into the pyramid and stopped for a brief moment.

“This temple will be the center of our sphere of influence in the desert, watch out Ridley…your menaphite gods cannot save you.”

He then disappeared in the dim lights of the pyramid.


~~† Emperor of the The Menaphite Empire †~~

~~~Search for the laws of harmony, and you will find knowledge~~~


05-May-2017 15:18:19 - Last edited on 05-May-2017 15:22:41 by Damion Avah

Damion Avah
Dec Member 2014

Damion Avah

Posts: 583 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
=+= Land Claim =+=
Clan: Wushanko Empire
Land: Jaldraocht Pyramid
Access to Land: Menaphos

• Treasury:
92K/wk [10/20]
| Upkeep 15K
• Income:
, 6O, 10X, 6F, 15E, 0R
• Storehouse: 50W, 39O, 50X, 49F, 50E, 16R [Level 3]

Spend 30 wood, 10 Energy, 30k gp for two watch towers on Turtle Island

• Treasury:
| 92K/wk [10/20] | Upkeep 15K
• Storehouse:
, 39O, 50X, 49F,
, 16R [Level 3]

Spend 30 Ore, 10 Energy, 30k gp for two watch towers on Sophanem

• Treasury:
| 92K/wk [10/20] | Upkeep 15K
• Storehouse: 20W,
, 50X, 49F,
, 16R [Level 3]

Use 30 Energy to transmute 30 flax to 15 wood and 15 ore

• Treasury: 66K | 92K/wk [10/20] | Upkeep 15K
• Storehouse:
, 49F,
, 16R [Level 3]

Spend 20K, 30 Wood, 15 Ore, and 5 Flax to Build a Ship - Sirens Bane

• Treasury:
| 92K/wk [10/20] | Upkeep 15K
• Storehouse:
, 49F, 0E, 16R [Level 3]

Move Spirit of the Anagami to Tuai Leit
Move The Scorched Sands to The islands that were once turtles
Move Spirit of Moai to Aminishi
Move Harmony's Tide to Sophanem
Move Sirens Bane to Sophanem

Feed the People - Sophanem
Feed the People - Menaphos
Feed the People - Waiko
Feed the People - Tuai Leit

• Storehouse: 5W, 9O, 15X,
, 0E, 16R [Level 3]

Final Numbers (I hope this is correct)

• Treasury: 46K | 92K/wk [10/20] | Upkeep 20K
• Income: 9W, 6O, 10X, 6F, 15E, 0R (This does not include Feed)
• Storehouse: 5W, 9O, 15X, 9F, 0E, 16R [Level 3]

(I'll have the ship stats soon)
~~† Emperor of the The Menaphite Empire †~~

~~~Search for the laws of harmony, and you will find knowledge~~~


05-May-2017 15:18:25 - Last edited on 05-May-2017 15:52:11 by Damion Avah

Neo Garland

Neo Garland

Posts: 23 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Together, We Will Walk the Path

Headline article for the International section, Varrock Herald, 11th Raktuber (Essianday Edition):

Remote Jungle Tribe to Enter Foreign Trade Relations

KARAMJA – Grand Exchange price indexes for exotic woods are expected to decline modestly in anticipation of new suppliers from the jungle continent, as tribal peoples from Kharazi Jungle in the deep south of Karamja have entered formal agreements with the outside world to cultivate and export the region's vast natural resources. The Kharazi tribe, only recently made contact with through the famous expedition by members of the Legends' Guild, has been reached out to in this case by members of the Aegis of Saradomin, a recently formed military order established on Entrana.

“We've heard reports of the remote corners of Karamja having been used as prisons for powerful demons during the days of the God Wars,” said Dame Nydia Garland, the representative of the new Aegean expedition to the jungle. “The Legends Guild has done an immense measure of good for these people by defeating powerful demonic threats that tormented the innocent locals, but a number of smaller threats remained lingering in the area. We've agreed to help the people drive out the demons in exchange for establishing the latest in forestry practices in the area. We hope to establish a mutually beneficial relation for the people of Kharazi Jungle and the broader world through this cooperation,”

When asked about the prospect of missionary activities in the region, Dame Nydia's response was one of measured, but optimistic, restraint.

“Saradomin asks no one to kneel before him against their will,” she replied. “However, as duly appointed bearers of his charter, we take pride in sharing with others that all people of all races are welcome to join with Him in His plans for a better future. Together, we will walk the path to salvation and lasting peace and prosperity in uncertain times.”

05-May-2017 15:39:32

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