She looked at the body of fallen bandit, blood trickling from the deep wound in his neck. “Don’t commit a crime if you do not wish to lose your life, bandits are hunted down and sent to jail or possibly killed to keep the desert safe for inhabitant and travelers. Give him a proper burial, don’t just leave him to the vultures.” She got on the carpet and began flying to the monkey colony, leaving the shaken bandits behind her.
It was only a few minutes until she finally reached the small colony of monkeys. There she met with Iwazaru, Kikazaru, and Mizaru. “Hello, my name is Ridley No-“ she quickly thought to herself, no…no more. “My name is Ridley Itsu of the Wushanko Empire, and I bring an offer from the Empire.”
“Is that so then” Mizaru would say, “What did she say!” Kikazaru said, while Iwazaru simply nodded. “Er…yes. She handed the letter to Kikazaru who would be able to read it…at least hopefully. “Hm, these seem like a very generous offer that would help us expand our tiny camp.” Kikazaru passed the letter to Iwazaru. Ridley would nod, “Yes, and you would remain autonomous.” Iwzazaru nodded but Kikazaru simply yelled, “What did she say!”. Mizaru who was hearing the conversation agreed that it would be beneficial. Confused, Ridley continued, “So, will you three agree to be under the empires banner but stand as an autonomous claim?” Iwazaru nodded, Kikazaru said “What did she say!” and Mizaru also agreed in which Kikazaru figured out what was going on and agreed as well.