
[T1] 13 Squads: Rebirth

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Posts: 563 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I can maintain and update the forums since I have access to them at work and the forums were made in my account instead of the KeytoThirteen account.
As far as activity and whatnot, my of my days are taken up by work and classes, but I can be on at work (upside to an office job).

@ Smitz, I added you on Twitter. Anyone else interested in that form of communication, add me (@walleness) and we can talk there.

@ Gil93, I don't know if the clan is fully up and running, again, yet, but we'll contact and add you in as soon as we can.

If anyone wants access to the Google Doc, get in touch with Drew (Entenka) and we'll talk.
13 Squads

carpe noctis, abscondita est in ast*a

14-Jan-2016 16:03:31



Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Username: ** Rek*
*2P or P2P?: P2P

Combat Level: 42
Total Level: 476

Highest Combat Skill: Range
Highest Non-Combat Skill: Woodcutting and Herblore
Favorite Skill: Herblore
Least Favorite Skill: Agility and Runecrafting

Favorite In-Game Activity: Skilling herblore, I love it.
Least Favorite In-Game Activity: Don't really have one.

Assuming you have read the rules, which do you think is MOST important?: That the JagEx rules should always be followed, and you should respect all clan members.
Do you have an interest in Anime/Manga?: No, not really.

Sidenote: I know my skilling and combat level aren't that high. But I just started playing RS again after a couple of years. I've played for about a week now, so you guys are gonna see loads of gains from my part. I'm online alot. Probably minimium 6h a day. I don't really know that much, but I'll always help if someone in the clan needs my help. Cheers!

15-Jan-2016 15:35:59



Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I should be able to online and checking these forums all day. I do not know yet how active I will be in the afternoons/weekends (that time is reserved for being with my wife :) ). I am very easy to contact on twitter and should be super responsive.

Simply put, our first order of business should be figuring out what is happening with ranks. Which ranks have which responsibilities and what people can and cannot do with those ranks. Seems to me like every day we push that off we lose potential recruits.

I will go ahead and put up a proposal, both here and on the google doc. In the meantime (seeing that I have not been told otherwise), I accept ** Rek*. Gil, if you are still interested in joining please fill out an application like EH did on this page.

Eh Rek*, please contact me in game to get an invite. Welcome to the clan.

15-Jan-2016 16:37:08 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2016 19:08:00 by Smitzgee

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 2,103 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bump. I will add my own suggestions to the document either today or tomorrow night.

I do agree that no Points based systems should come into play due to the sheer lack of numbers and no need for rigorous routine and upkeep times are a bit of a pain for the person(s) who have to manage it.

Where I had Rahl doing it as more or less his sole responsibility in the past, this was at a time where we had tons of active members and needed the organisation for the sake of keeping everybody at the appropriate ranks. With currently less than 10 members and no expectations to grow to our previous clan size as of yet, it's entirely unnecessary at this stage.
Member of 13 Squads

15-Jan-2016 18:10:10

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 2,103 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I do say we stick to all members being able to accept and invite members to the clan for the time being, as ultimately we can't guarantee that "Rank X" will be on at the appropriate times and not everyone uses alternative social media accounts in order to be contacted.

I also suggest we make a formal list with links within the Clan Home with our alternative contact info, Clan eyes only so as to avoid potential spam and whatnot - but I don't mind my own info being public personally.

And when Senn and I tried to reboot last year, I'd said that if you find people who are interested in joining, just invite them and don't throw them to the forums to apply - bit of a turn off really having been told to apply for clans after showing an interest in them in my time after 13 Squads.
Member of 13 Squads

15-Jan-2016 18:18:37



Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here is a Preliminary outline of my proposal.


All squads will be originally closed; however, anyone can apply for one to be opened. There are two requirements top open a squad, first whichever squad you apply to open will be the squad you join, and second, you will need 5 people to open a squad. All five of these people will collectively fill out a squad opening application. To do this, they will need to choose a squad leader, who will be ranked to lieutenant upon approval. A squad that has been opened is required to maintain at least five members, if membership falls below five (either due to members leaving the clan or switching squads), the squad has a week to regain numbers before being closed. A closed squad will result in all members being ranked back to recruit. In addition, a squad must always have a squad leader (defined to be a lieutenant or captain). If a squad is leaderless the squad will be closed.

Recruit rank

A recruit is a member who has not joined a squad or C46. When entering the clan there is a grace period of two days that a recruit must wait in order to join a squad. This grace period exists to better know the existing squads and clan members. Recruits have no responsibilities other than spending time to learn the clan and squads. Recruits do have the ability to recruit other recruits.

Squad ranks (recruit + 1 to Lt - 1)

Members of a squad will be ranked according to their contributions to the squad. Each squad leader has the ability to determine what that is since each squad may do different things; however, every rank progression that the squad leader chooses to do needs to be approved by the head captain (see squad leader for more information).

15-Jan-2016 18:22:32



Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Squad Leaders

Squad leaders have a very special and interesting job. Quite simply put, they hold the most important jobs. Squad leaders have almost complete control over their squads. The only exception to this includes ranking and discipline. Any rank****-rank, or act of discipline has to be filed and approved by the head captain before being enacted. Failure to do this will result in disciplining of the squad leader. If there is no head captain, then C46 (collectively) takes responsibility for this role.
Squads have the ability to specialize. They can choose what they would like to focus; however, they may also be assigned tasks or specializations from the head captain. If this happens the head captain will assume responsibility for that squad’s specialization until relinquished.
Squad captains will be entirely responsible for the health of their squad, the activity of their members, the ranks of their members, and overseeing recruitment. Squad captains have the power to decide who can recruit in their squad, any recruitment into a squad has to be done publically. A recruit will need to fill out a squad application and have it accepted by that squad.

15-Jan-2016 18:23:38

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