Here is a Preliminary outline of my proposal.
All squads will be originally closed; however, anyone can apply for one to be opened. There are two requirements top open a squad, first whichever squad you apply to open will be the squad you join, and second, you will need 5 people to open a squad. All five of these people will collectively fill out a squad opening application. To do this, they will need to choose a squad leader, who will be ranked to lieutenant upon approval. A squad that has been opened is required to maintain at least five members, if membership falls below five (either due to members leaving the clan or switching squads), the squad has a week to regain numbers before being closed. A closed squad will result in all members being ranked back to recruit. In addition, a squad must always have a squad leader (defined to be a lieutenant or captain). If a squad is leaderless the squad will be closed.
Recruit rank
A recruit is a member who has not joined a squad or C46. When entering the clan there is a grace period of two days that a recruit must wait in order to join a squad. This grace period exists to better know the existing squads and clan members. Recruits have no responsibilities other than spending time to learn the clan and squads. Recruits do have the ability to recruit other recruits.
Squad ranks (recruit + 1 to Lt - 1)
Members of a squad will be ranked according to their contributions to the squad. Each squad leader has the ability to determine what that is since each squad may do different things; however, every rank progression that the squad leader chooses to do needs to be approved by the head captain (see squad leader for more information).
15-Jan-2016 18:22:32