Java on lowest settings gave me 30 fps
NXT is giving me an average of 125 fps with lowest settings.
o damn
Dev console won't open in NXT client, so I can't check my NXT fps.
On Macbook Pros, alt+` opens dev console in the Java client just fine, but not in the C++ one. No message even shows up when I type ~ in the NXT client, whereas in the previous one a "To open dev console, press..." message pops up.
o yah and I can't run Chronicle on my laptop, and I don't have admin permissions on my school's computers to download Chronicle there, either
This was a bug in the NXT BETA, but not sure if the bug trasnferred:
If you aren't on an English-Keyboard Layout (and by English, I mean a UK keyboard) then you cannot open the developer console.
There is no message displayed when you press ` as there was in the java variant, and you do need to press alt and ` at the same time however, for some reason, even though you need the two-key combination, you can't use the ` character in chat, it just doesn't appear.
MrBrokenBow - Former Leader and Founder of
Sani btw
Dev console won't open in NXT client, so I can't check my NXT fps.
Try alt + §
Lol I don't have that symbol; my keyboard is an English keyboard, and the button next to 1 is `/~
I also haven't figured out how to do alt codes on my Macbook Pro nor on the HP Pavilion I used to use--as in, on laptops
My laptop is only a year old, i updated the drivers, and nxt still causes my computer to freeze every 2-20min. After a few days, I've finally removed it and went back to the old client.
The most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.
My laptop is only a year old, i updated the drivers, and nxt still causes my computer to freeze every 2-20min. After a few days, I've finally removed it and went back to the old client.
If your drivers were all updated, turning on VSync could help eliminate lagging/freezing issues.
is indeed the really useful link - it covers off a number of issues people have encountered and provides fixes for them.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey